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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
It wont do me much good to get in, but i will enjoy watching you guys reach your goals. I stay pretty close to 180 with a short workout with weights a couple times a week and 20-30 minutes of cardio 2 to 3 times a week with the elipitical or treadmill.
Beener, I like your goal of 300 on the bench and sub 21min 3miler. I hurt to bad if I try and increase my bench at my age, I set a goal at 40 to just try and maintain 225 for 3 sets of 8-10 and 25min 5k's, and right now I need to work on my running but as long as my shoulder doesnt start hurting again Im holding my goal on the bench. Good luck guys and keep posting your progress, its fuels everybody else to meet their goals.

I used to be (12 years ago) a less than six minute mile guy and benched 355ish pretty easy. Legs were my strength with a 585 dead and 450ish squat. I KNOW at 36 I can't get back there. Trying to be realistic. 20 pounds per kid...ugh.

Open gym tonight for 2 hours of full court. Stopping just long enough to re-shoot teams.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Ben, has your doc never heard of the freshman 15, followed by 3 more years of that?

While are reliving the good ole days, I was 190 pounds my last year of football...sure wish I had the size I do now then...and the size I had then now!

I try to go to the gym 3-4 times week with 30 minutes of cardio and a light lift. My focus now that the January resolution crowd is clearing out of the gym to start lifting lower body again and strengthen my back and core...as well as keep plugging away on the treadmill. And get back on the elliptical, that is the real work out...just feel gay doing it.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
My other kick is water. While my job is not as active as I'd like, I am drinking 2-3 liters of water a day. Makes you feel good. Just stop drinking it 2 hours before you have to drive home.

Lots of opinion on how much to drink, but I think it's like half an ounce per pound of weight.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
I am in...183.5 tonight which matches my high point (2007). I got back on my riding/racing kick back then and cut the carbs. I drank Kettle One instead of beer and rode 150-200 miles/week. During peak summer months I was 155-160. Then Landon was born and I am now up 30 lbs.

My goal as of tonight is 160 by June 1st. It's on!!!



Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm at 190 and by mid sept I'll be down around 160-165..., Jenny Craig's new weight loss plan..... Ode too the fuggin desert lol.... No beer no junk and lots of water..... Run 2-3 miles a day and 12-14 hour shifts.... That'll peel the weight off ya lol....


Well-Known Member
No way I could win this but I'm pulling for everyone involved. I got up to 188 this winter. That's the largest number I have ever seen on a scale. Since Jan 5th I have dropped 6 pounds. My goal is to be around 170-175 depending on how much strenght training gets added in. Keep up the good work everyone.


*Supporting Member*
knox county ohio
i use to drink 2 gallons of water a day and two work outs a day. ive slacked off the past year im up to 185 two summers ago when i was training and going hard i was 160 and had cardio that was threw the roof. i think this is what i need too get myself back into it. seeing all you guys push yourselfs too.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Somehow I missed all this thread. I've been hitting the Gym about 3 times a week for a mile on the treadmill and 2 miles on the elliptical. Then some core and leg workouts. Sunday evenings I play fullcourt with the Findlay PD. I never did a weigh in before or since but Im sure I dropped a few pounds. I can tell the way my shirts droop a bit more around my neck instead of being propped up by the man boobs


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Joined Planet Fitness about the second week of Jan. Been going 3 nights a week. Just got sick of watching my belly grow, and my daughter asking me when my due date was. My routine consists of legs, arms, then abs. Alternating machines till I get from one end of the place to the other. Then I do my cardio. When I started I was doing anywhere from a mile to 11/4 mile. I have worked my way up to a consistent 3 miles every time. The first time I did 3 mile it was in 28 minutes. Last night I did my 3 miles in 17:30. That is averaging 9-10 mph.

I haven't been weighing myself because I am not really unhappy with my weight, I'm unhappy with my fat. I am ok with turning my fat into muscle, but if I do loose a few pounds I have no problem with that either. As far as eating habits I have cut my portions down and have stopped eating fast food and cut out pop for the most part. I may have 1-2 mt dew a week. The hardest part is the brewskies. I have pretty much stopped drinking beer throughout the week. But I do enjoy some on the weekends. My problem is I can't stand any light beers. I have a love for the good dark craft beers. I will post up a pic of my weight and an upper body pic so there will be a starting point for me in this thread.


Senior Member
Athens County
Keep it up guys.

Im up about 15 pounds since the winter has hit. Itll all come pouring off once the weather turns and Im working like a mofo. Too much hibernating/beer drinking these last couple months


*Supporting Member III*
Joined crossfit about 5 weeks ago....It's kicking my ass, but it's really fun. Milestone of last workout was I didn't feel like pulling the truck over to puke on the way home. Currently at 24% bodyfat...looking to get to 12%. Changed my diet and am eating clean as well. The year of fitness is on.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Good luck guys. I'm happy at 223-225. Not interested in gaining or loosing. Been at this weight for many years. The easiest thing you can do is eat better. Get a masticating juicer to supplement or replace meals. I just use it as a high octane booster.


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Senior Member
Kingston, OH
I got up to about 190 in december. I cut all cereals and bread an unneeded carbs. I stay under 50 grams/ day. Its actually pretty easy to do and I feel a hell of a lot better. No pop. A lot of unsweet tea and water. Im also running 3x week and chin up/push up routines. Im weighing in now at 178 or so. Deer jerky,cottage cheese and low carb yogurt have been my savior.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Planet fitness is also where my wife and I joined with some of our friends. $10 a month is a helluva deal for all they offer

Yes it is Ryan! I think it should have been called planet hotness though, good lord talk about eye candy!

Mike whatever is in that glass looks like liquid guacamole!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Walbridge oh
I think the biggest drive for me was hitting 50 last year. Did everything bad to my body for the first part of my life and thought it would be nice to do the right thing now!!! Better late than never!!!!


*Supporting Member*
I got up to about 190 in december. I cut all cereals and bread an unneeded carbs. I stay under 50 grams/ day. Its actually pretty easy to do and I feel a hell of a lot better. No pop. A lot of unsweet tea and water. Im also running 3x week and chin up/push up routines. Im weighing in now at 178 or so. Deer jerky,cottage cheese and low carb yogurt have been my savior.

I love low carb, although I am known to go on a sweets binge from time to time. What low carb yogurt? I love yogurt, but don't eat it because of the carbs.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Yes it is Ryan! I think it should have been called planet hotness though, good lord talk about eye candy!

You aint kidding. About 90% of the ladies in there wear the yoga pants, 70% of them shouldn't. I'm blessed to have a pretty good looking wife. I think she catches me watching here boobs bounce on the treadmill more than anyone elserotflmao