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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
There's 2 Warrior Dash's scheduled for Ohio right now. The 1st is on May 31st and the 2nd is on August 9th.

I'd like to do one of these this year, so one if anybody else wants to get together let me know. These tend to fill up quick so if we're gonna have a TOO group we should try to sign up by the end of the month.





Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
There's 2 Warrior Dash's scheduled for Ohio right now. The 1st is on May 31st and the 2nd is on August 9th.

I'd like to do one of these this year, so one if anybody else wants to get together let me know. These tend to fill up quick so if we're gonna have a TOO group we should try to sign up by the end of the month.




I done something similar to this last July called the Ohio Valley Mud Run. Its alot of fun but I done it alone and busted my butt and tried to finish with a good time, I think it would be alot more fun doing it with a group but it will be hard to get enough interest with it being that far away. I would be interested in the August one.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I believe the the tough mudder is coming back to Mansfield this year which is 4 mile from my house. So I would say if I am going to compete in a event like this it would be that one.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I've been losing some weight since Gun season. I was at about 218, down to 211ish now and can't seem to budget it currently. I'm doing the Focus T25 workouts by the same guy who did Insanity. I just get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning and do the workouts. Definitely fitting into pants that were almost uncomfortable snug at Strouds this fall and I also had to buy a new belt b/c I ran out of adjustment on my old one.

Food wise I'm just trying to be careful with my portions.
Breakfast - Emerald breakfast to go (granola and nuts/dried fruit) and 2-3 days a week a Luna bar for extra protein
Snack - 2-3 tblspns of peanut butter and some water to wash it down with
Lunch - 1/2 of a sandwich and a cup of soup most days
Dinner varies but I'm trying to just watch portion sizes.

This fall I had some blood work drawn and my ratios were off for my cholesterol. So I need to do this right b/c I don't want to take any pills.

I'm not planning on winning this but I'd love to get down to 190ish.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Ok here is the photos for before and after.


Front view(puke)

Side view(puke)

Not very proud at all but if this doesn't motivate me nothing will.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Those races are grueling muscle tearing ankle bending pains in the ass.... I know a lot of folks run them and tear themselves up in the process.... Take it slow and steady or you'll pay the price of being laid up for a while.... One of the reservists I have rolled an ankle in August and still is t right probably better off if he'd of broke it...

Y'all can drop the weight if you ou your mind too it and have a little change in lifestyle...... Good luck too everyone....