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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm following this one too. Since I was 18 (32 now) I've always weighed between 175-185 until this past year. I jumped on the scale the other day and I'm up to 210. I guess my metabolism is changing since I haven't ever tried to watch what I eat and I've never been a fan of exercising. The weight doesn't bother me but I feel like crap all the time and I'm always tired, I think it's diet related. So.. I guess I'll have to start watching what I eat and doing some kind of exercise too. Dammit.

31-32 is where it gets ya. Through most of my 20s I was mid 180s. About 29 I hit 200 but stayed between 193-200. Now that I'm almost 33 seems I stayed between 210-215. Just start eating better. You don't have to give stuff up. Just have it in moderation. Pound the natural foods like. Meat, veggies, fruit, nuts, dairy etc.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm struggling with not feeling full right now. I just had a wheat pita with grilled chicken and shredded cheese, yet it was like I barely ate anything. Dieting has always been a battle for me. Gotta find time to exercise so I can justify some real meals!

If you're hungry then keep eating. Just eat the right things. More vegetables, handful of peanuts, an apple, etc. fill up. The worst thing you can do is feel hungry. Your body goes into starvation mode and the next not healthy meal you eat it'll try to store it. You can stuff yourself till you want to puke on fruit and veggies and lose weight. Lol.


Senior Member
You should try to eat five small meals a day. Eating that often and eating the right foods will boost your metabolism and kick fat burners into high gear.

Just be careful with the high protein/low carb diet. You will definitely see results once your body gets into ketosis but there are a couple big drawbacks. One, its a diet that's hard on your kidneys and two, it only takes one cheat to get above your carb threshold and that knocks your body out of ketosis and you will be three to four days getting back in. On the carb diet you will only lose weight when your body is in ketosis. Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing the carb diet. I lost 110# on the carb diet but once I lost the weight I went from the carb diet to a sensible low fat/portion control regiment and was able to maintain my weight. Until I went crazy on the pizza and fast food here the last few months and jumped about 30# over the last few months. I'm cutting this weight back off but I am going with the low fat/portion control path. Good luck to everybody whichever diet you choose.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
We just got through packing the vegetables for next weeks lunches. These are at the core and then from there we'll add maybe a progresso soup or a sandwich, leftover porkchop etc. then some extras like some mixed nuts, string cheese, yogurt, fruit cup in natural juice, apple, bandanna, strawberry, poult etc.



You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I need to start watching my food intake as well, especially after ditching the dip for two months! I've noticed my hunger bumped up a few notches and I eat a little when I'm not really that hungry and mainly cuz I'm bored....WTH! Lol

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Git ur asses outta bed!

I pulled into the gym at 505...gonna try this for awhile. My guess is that switching my workouts to the morning will not only allow me to shed an easy ten pounds just by being more committed to the gym and starting the day out right.

And I'll get into work early, which equals less traffic and a real half an hour or more a day not sitting on my ass in the car...


Staff member
I'm weighing in on Saturdays since I'm letting Sunday be my cheat day. Let's me enjoy Sunday dinner which is an important meal to me. I was 241 on 2/15. Thanks to the flu and a complete 180 on my diet, I was 230.4 this morning. I've maintained that since Friday. I'm attempting to go a full week with no pop or fast food. It's been a few years since I've had that discipline. I feel much better and my supplements are kicking in. Water intake is up 10 fold. I'm drinking 1-1.5 gallons a day right now. Baseball starts tonight, so my activity level is about to be legit.

Good start to things on my end. BTW, everyone is welcome to throw down on this. The goal is a healthier TOO!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Weighed in this morning again as the 2.4 lost when I weighed myself Saturday was bugging me as I feel as though I lost more than that. I was an idiot and had clothes on Saturday. This morning when I got out of the shower the scale was 205.7. Which is 8.6 lost in two weeks.


Staff member
I drank 6L of water yesterday and had 16 total carbs. I was on my feet from 7A-10P and conditioned with my catchers when we broke off into groups. I was 227.6 this morning. My body has always responded well to being treated right, problem is I always treat it like shit!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
thats pretty good man. 8.6 in two weeks is great.

It'll taper off. It better. My goal was only 15 lol. I guess that's what happens when you quit drinking 2 energy drinks a day and 2-3 pops and a shitty hot pocket for lunch. And el toro for dinner. Lol


Well-Known Member
It'll taper off. It better. My goal was only 15 lol. I guess that's what happens when you quit drinking 2 energy drinks a day and 2-3 pops and a shitty hot pocket for lunch. And el toro for dinner. Lol

The taper is what usually kills me...and others. That's where the psychological aspect starts to beat you up and it gets easier to slip back to old habits. Cool that you have a partner in your quest.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I was 225 Jan 1
I was 213 Feb 12
This morning I checked in at 208.

I feel so much better and love the fact that my pants aren't tight!!! I've cut carbs, but most importantly I've been eating right. Lots of fruits, veggies, and deer. I'm also doing the Advocare cleanse (just finished the first 10 days of the cleanse part) and am doing the supplements while following their program. I'm sure there are critics about doing such a program, but it's working for me and that's all that matters. My wife is doing all of this with me and I tell you what, it makes a big difference having her do this with me.

I try to get on the treadmill nightly, but I'm not gonna lie... It's 3 times a week for the most part. I'm pretty active now that baseball started and will get "workouts" in throwing BP and hitting fungo.

If anyone wants more info on the Advocare thing or hooked up with discounts, just PM me or ask on here. Not trying to pimp anything, but if it helps others on here then heck yes!


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
I havent got my numbers tested in years. I take a test booster, a fat burner, a multi vitamin, and tons of protien shakes and I seem to feel pretty good. I dont eat fast food, and I stay away from the pasta. but I like your idea of staying awy from all the processed junk. I am/have been in the mind set of moderation. Bigger meals during the day, smaller at night. But man I love my pasta. i try to watch what I eat, work out 6 days a week, and will be throwing cardio back into the mix when the weather breaks. I can't run indoors. I feel like I cant breathe for some reason. I am finally seeing results though. being back into lifting feels great. I toned it down from years past though. Reps, not weight. Mid weight, and 4 sets of 8.

I just had to get a cortizone shot in my elbow from getting tennis/goflers elbow pretty bad. It has helped tremendously, but I stil lwatch what lifts and movements I do. Going heavy isnt worth it.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Here is today's lunch.

Newmans own organic tomato basil spaghetti sauce. Ingredients (Organic Tomato Puree (Water, Organic Tomato Paste, Citric Acid), Organic Diced Tomatoes, Organic Soybean Oil, Organic Sugar, Sea Salt, Organic Onion*, Organic Basil, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Garlic*, Organic Black Pepper, Organic Basil)

Bertoli gluten free pasta.

And a Russel stover. Because junk in moderation is never bad for you.

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