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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Senior Member
Everybody hits plateaus just keep doing what you're doing and it will start to drop again. I hit a bunch if plateaus when I lost 110 # a few years back. Just keep on keeping on it will happen. My weigh day is tomorrow. I know I've lost a couple for sure. Shooting for 220 by late June. See what the scales say on the morning for week one.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Great stuff guys! Amazing what just making a few good choices a day will do as you guys are proving.

Joe, I don't know how ya do it. Chemicals are around every corner and the cost of good food is crazy.

I am stuck at 205 until I can get some exercise in, which will happen when the weather warms up. I have topped out at 222 multiple times since college when my real fighting weight is 180-190. I haven't been below 200 since 2010. Looking forward to seeing you guys continue to progress!

Down 9.3 pounds in 2 weeks. Getting rid of the chemicals isn't as hard as you might think. Like you said though the cost of fresh vegetables and fruit is outrageous. But frozen is actually better for you as they're picked when more rope and flash frozen.

But there are other ways also. For example. When you look at the ingredients on a simple can of corn. It should say corn, water, salt. That's all that's requires to can corn if you did it at home. Why do cans have all of this other crap. If you read a couple you'll find some that have just that. And others will have extra additives to increase color, crunchiness etc. no way you can cut out all the chemicals. But you can get rid of most of them by just paying attention. And the little left over isn't much for your body to process out.


Senior Member
Very nice Joe! Keep up the good work buddy.

Week #1 in the books for me and I cut 4#. Woo Hoo! My toughest thing I am trying to overcome is snacking in the evening while watching tv. Ice cream, some kinda cake, brownies the like. I have cut that out completely and replaced it with something healthier such as a couple hard pretzels with a little light ranch to dip them, cut up apple with a little peanut butter, and if I really crave some ice cream I will grab a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich. I have also limited any snack to eating it before 9:00pm. That helps a lot TOO.


Staff member

I know it eats up some man card points, but Pintrest is a great resource for recipes and keeping tracking of ideas. I was using my wife's one night and ended up with my own. I made garlic mashed cauliflower, balsamic glazed carrots and roasted chicken with a rub I found and tweaked. Hell of a good meal and healthy. The cauliflower was awesome. Carrots even better IMO.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I lost about 4, down to 206.

Gotta keep going the motivation to get up super early to work out its waning but I will get it done.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Down to 181, that's only 4 pounds. Which I am not out to lose weight but fat. So with all the working out I know it is working. Proof- Saturday my daughter gave me a hug, after hugging me for a few seconds she said Dad you are getting smaller! Music to my ears.

Tonight's I did my longest cardio ever. Put in 8.33 miles on the elliptical in a hour. I would do a mile at mid 7s MPH, then the next mile at upper 9s to lower 10s MPH. that on top of the lifting is slowly but surely turning the fat into muscle.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Down to 181, that's only 4 pounds. Which I am not out to lose weight but fat. So with all the working out I know it is working. Proof- Saturday my daughter gave me a hug, after hugging me for a few seconds she said Dad you are getting smaller! Music to my ears.

Tonight's I did my longest cardio ever. Put in 8.33 miles on the elliptical in a hour. I would do a mile at mid 7s MPH, then the next mile at upper 9s to lower 10s MPH. that on top of the lifting is slowly but surely turning the fat into muscle.

Dang! Good for you buddy. I hate the treadmill. I'm still trying to get on it, but absolutely hate it. Can't wait for warmer weather so I can get the dog incorporated into some cardio.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I lost about 4, down to 206.

Gotta keep going the motivation to get up super early to work out its waning but I will get it done.

The motivations is the peace and quiet and the machines...with the cold temps and some different scheduling going on, I opted to do the gym yesterday afternoon instead of morning...so friggin busy...as opposed to 12 people being there at 510am.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
The motivations is the peace and quiet and the machines...with the cold temps and some different scheduling going on, I opted to do the gym yesterday afternoon instead of morning...so friggin busy...as opposed to 12 people being there at 510am.

You couldn't get me of bed at 4am if the house was on fire, much less to go to the gym. About the only thing I get up that early for is turkey hunting.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
You couldn't get me of bed at 4am if the house was on fire, much less to go to the gym. About the only thing I get up that early for is turkey hunting.

And this routine will just make it easier to get out of bed and get after those birds. Alarm goes off at 450, out of bed, down the road to the gym, watch the morning news on the treadmill, come back, hit the shower and eat a little breakfast. Pack lunch and off to work. At the desk by 715. It's saving me at least 45 minutes a day I was wasting sitting in traffic.

But yea...it is friggin early. But I enjoy the mornings on my own terms. Working out in the morning sets your metabolism for the day too.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I always did morning workouts versus evenings as well. Seemed like if I did workouts after work (4pm or later) I couldn't get to sleep. It was like my body was still in overdrive. I get a good workout in the morning, I'm ready to hit the pillow at bed time.

Last week and this week so far, been getting in a good routine as far as diet goes. Will start adding in a couple workouts next week. Feeling pretty good so far, just with the change in diet.


Senior Member
Down 11.3 to 204.4. Started at 215.7. Lost two more since Saturday. Sweet shit.

Very nice Joe. Way to keep at it. I had a nice low fat evening snack tonight.
Deer bologna on low fat wheat crackers, cheese, and a bit of Trader Joes jalapeno sauce. Its even more satisfying than ice cream. Haha


Staff member
My biggest struggle with eating right has always been breakfast. I don't like to eat until I've been up for a while. Kid woke me up at 6:45 today, so I had time to get moving and make a decent breakfast before I took her to my rents today. Steak and eggs is healthy right?!?
