Something's going to kill you someday.
Too many medium rare steaks will give you a heart disease.
Too much sugar will give you diabetes.
Driving to and from work puts your life at risk every day.
You could fall out of the tree stand, get shot by another hunter, have a muzzleloader breech fail and blow your face off.
You could choke on dinner, choke on sunflower seeds.
Point is. Something's going to get our ass and 99% of the things that could are really out of our control.
Some people unfortunately get cancer, others don't. Some people smoke and drink and never get anything. Others will never smoke a day in their life and die at 37 from lung cancer like a guy I worked with. Another guy I worked with had a heart attack a day after his 40th birthday and died instantly.
The problem with humans is we always look for a reason, something to blame, something we can point to and say that did it. We can't sleep at night unless we know why. Maybe it gives us closure. Maybe we look for these things to blame because not knowing scares the shit out of us. It scares us because we don't know what happened or how to avoid it. We always try to lay the blame somewhere, this way we can trick ourselves to believe that it won't happen to us as long as we don't do that also. It makes us sleep better at night, the knowing. We did it as children with the boogie man. If the closet was dark, we didn't know with certainty he wasn't there, it kept us awake at night. But if the light was on, we knew we were safe. We gave no real thoughts as to how plausible it really was, there was only knowing and not knowing, and the not knowing scared the shit out of us. We like to blame things because it makes us feel comfortable like we are somehow in control. We're not. One day we're all going to die, this is unavoidable. Shit happens. Life's cruel. Good people get fucked every day. Quit worrying about it and live. Because the reality is, driving home today some teenager chatting with her BFF on Facebook can end it all in a heartbeat. You have zero control of that. Don't get so caught up trying to find your way out of the forrest that we call life, that you forget to stop and enjoy the beauty of our situation. Live so that if you die tomorrow you could say, I had a good run. And realize that no matter what, life goes way too quick. When it's your turn to go it will always have been too short. Live now and quit worrying about living tomorrow