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chew, snuff, chaw, dip, etc


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I've smoked and dipped since I was 13 and I'm 31 now. I smoke almost a pack a day and have 2-3 dips while at work. I also chew while I hunt. I made a doc appointment on November 13 (at 10am so I can hunt afterwards LOL) so I can get on that chantex and see if I can kick the habit. I don't want to die of lung cancer like my grandpa, and unfortunately like my dad probably will. I've got too much life left and I want to enjoy it!

Derek j

Senior Member
Knox Co.
Chewing just cost me the job I have been dreaming about since starting nursing school. I accepted the job, fitted for scrubs, and then took physical. Tested positive for nicotine. I thought it would just make insurance premiums higher, but have to be nicotine free completely. Sucks that it cost me.....but in 6 months I can reapply and hopefully get the job back. I will make sure I am completely free of nicotine for the rest of my life.


Senior Member
South Eastern Ohio
I've smoked and dipped since I was 13 and I'm 31 now. I smoke almost a pack a day and have 2-3 dips while at work. I also chew while I hunt. I made a doc appointment on November 13 (at 10am so I can hunt afterwards LOL) so I can get on that chantex and see if I can kick the habit. I don't want to die of lung cancer like my grandpa, and unfortunately like my dad probably will. I've got too much life left and I want to enjoy it!
You can do it Chad. If you put your heart, mind and soul in it. You can whip it's ass!


Staff member
Wow dude. Sorry to hear that.

Chad, I took Chantix. I'll post more on that later. It works, but beware! The dreams were TOO much for me and I only lasted 8 days.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Wow dude. Sorry to hear that.

Chad, I took Chantix. I'll post more on that later. It works, but beware! The dreams were TOO much for me and I only lasted 8 days.

Thanks Jesse. My grandpa has been gone for 12 years, he was as American as you could get, wore his VFW hat all the time. He bought me, my brother, and cousin all pellet guns and knives for our birthdays. But he smoked like a chimney, and so does my dad. I wish my dad would quit but that'll never happen, he likes his bud lights and pall mall lights. November 7th will mark 3 years since I quit drinkin, I figure I better get on to kicking another bad habits ass.

Derek j

Senior Member
Knox Co.
A lot of hospitals are going to this....or at least jacking up insurance premiums for tobacco users. Sucks, because it keeps good people from working...but it is what it is.


Well-Known Member
A lot of hospitals are going to this....or at least jacking up insurance premiums for tobacco users. Sucks, because it keeps good people from working...but it is what it is.

Yep...Summa Health System and the Cleveland Clinic both have similar policies. Between them they employ 50,000 plus.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
A lot of hospitals are going to this....or at least jacking up insurance premiums for tobacco users. Sucks, because it keeps good people from working...but it is what it is.

next they'll be doing the same to overweight people. Oh. You has high cholesterol in your 20s but that was 30 years ago. Increased premium. Your grandmother had a heart attack at 45. Increased premium.

Slippery slope and it's on it's way. As for the businesses that refuse to hire tobacco users. From what I've seen it's been very detrimental to their hiring abilities. A healthcare company here in Columbus had an IT position open for over a year they couldn't fill. Te only people worth a damn that could do it were smokers. I turned down 3 interview opportunities, a buddy did to. They never filled it and eventually outsourced their IT to IBM which means India. That lasted less than a year and now they're begging for talent to join the team. No thanks. I'm too busy working for your competitor and enjoying my cigarettes.

As for the increased premiums. That all falls under total compensation package. You charge smokers $600 more a year, guess who just upped their salary requirement $1,200 a year. ;) more than one way to skin a cat.
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T Joe

Junior Member
interesting posts, I quit dip last year after 40+ years. I started when I was 15 or so, used it even more when I quit smoking in my late 20's. Quitting the chew was the most difficult. The final straw for me was when I had some life insurance combined and had to go through the physical and questions. We walked out of the office and my wife asked what I was going to do about the tobacco use question I just lied about. Told her I just quit, good to go. Postponed the blood work for several weeks and got the superior rating on the policy. That was a long couple months and 20# gained. I'm sitting here and could chew right now. With that being said I'm glad I quit. I know I'm going to die at some point, we all have an expiration date, I just don't want to expedite it! Or, live my last with out a tongue or jaw or lips, hell I'm ugly enough now I can't even get a kiss good bye


Well-Known Member
Just to clarify...my earlier post was regarding hiring policies not insurance premiums. We do however have a wellness program that can reduce your premium. It has changed a bunch over the last few years. Personally I find it to be almost impossible to NOT qualify for the discounts. Its almost a joke.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Just to clarify...my earlier post was regarding hiring policies not insurance premiums. We do however have a wellness program that can reduce your premium. It has changed a bunch over the last few years. Personally I find it to be almost impossible to NOT qualify for the discounts. Its almost a joke.

With the wellness programs It's not about the exercising and making you healthier, that's why damn near anyone can qualify.. It's about information and data.

Every wellness program I've ever seen requires a wellness screening. Usually height, weight, cholesterol check, blood pressure check as well as a survey about your eating, exercising, sleep, and stress habits. This is called a baseline. Then you go off and do their stupid little tasks to get your discount. Walking so many steps a day, exercising X minutes a week, changing your diet etc whatever their program calls for and they have you keep a log or journal on their system about your activities. Next year. Another wellness screening. Now they know where you started, everything you did, and where you ended up. The data is valuable to accessing your long term health. It's also valuable to accessing their long term risk when insuring your ass. Right now they're in the data collection and interpretation phase. Eventually they're going to start the implementation phase.

"Sir. It looks like you have a history of high blood pressure despite exercising and eating better. This means your blood pressure can't be controlled naturally. As such you're at a higher risk for heart attack. Congratulations your health insurance premium for next year just tripled."

"Sir, it looks like your triglycerides have been borderline high despite eating healthier. We know that a person with your triglycerides has a 60% chance of needing a bypass or heart cath before age 60 and you're now 42. Your health insurance is going to double next year for the next 18 years so we can offset our cost later.

Wellness programs are not about wellness. But about data. Health insurers are going the way of auto insurers where they charge more for a red car than a white one because the data shows they get in more accidents. They're still in the data collection phase and need you to play along while they do it. They give you some BS about how it's because they care, or how it so cool that you get a discount; truth is they just getting prepared to screw people.
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T Joe

Junior Member
I couldn't agree more Jack. I was at the Doc's just last week for an annual physical. Every time in they are asking for more info and family history. I couldn't remember anything about my parents or grandparents health to fill in more info, which they duly noted. Next question, "how long have you had memory issues?" WTF, can't win :mad:


Columbus, OH
Wow dude. Sorry to hear that.

Chad, I took Chantix. I'll post more on that later. It works, but beware! The dreams were TOO much for me and I only lasted 8 days.

My Inlaws took this and like you said the dreams are suppose to be wild and super vivid. They stopped for like 10months then started up one time while drinking at a campground and still smoke today.


*Supporting Member*
wanted to bring this thread back up!

I have recently after months of continuing to dip started to "quit" again. I bought some "Jakes Mint Chew"

I normally chewed grizz straight but I think these fake chews "straight" taste would be shitty! I have not had a real dip in over a week, I dip this mint chew like a mother fugger, but its good, spit is brown, and I have no worries of health issues.

I really urge anyone who has dipped and wants an alternative to look into this option.


Staff member
I've been a little heavy on the Redman lately. Every one I work with dips and it makes it hard to be causal about like I normally am. A pouch used to last 2-3 weeks. Lasts about a week now. Better than smoking a pack a day I guess and I've been off that train since August. One vice at a time!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've been a little heavy on the Redman lately. Every one I work with dips and it makes it hard to be causal about like I normally am. A pouch used to last 2-3 weeks. Lasts about a week now. Better than smoking a pack a day I guess and I've been off that train since August. One vice at a time!
Yep same here... Back off the wagon. I was doing really good there at the end of summer. Hunting season is my weakness. It seems I can't duck or pheasant hunt without some redman. Oh well...