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Team 15


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I'd like to retract my previous statement of being confident about an early season chance at a biggun'. The ENE winds they are predicting are not optimum. I have complete faith in my smoking up and scent prevention overall, but I don't like to hunt the wrong wind on purpose. I do have 2 stands that are new setups on some new property we acquired that would be just fine with the predicted wind. We put them up kinda blind as to how the deer really use the area. Maybe this weekend will be a good chance to figure them out.


Well-Known Member
Good luck to anyone who makes it out this weekend. We have parent's night with the youth football program tomorrow, so I will not be out. Probably another week or two before I pop the cherry on my season. On a side not, my shooting is coming along. I try to shoot a couple of dozen evry day. I took way too much time off from shooting this past year...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck to you also Schu and everyone else.I am going in the morning and evening tomorrow just cause it is the first day.lol Will be using the recurve this yr so might be awhile before I connect have to get em in close but do have several bucks I would try for if given the opportunity. Good Luck teammates.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Got us on the board guys with a doe.Was a great morning , passed on 4 bucks and got my first recurve deer. uploadfromtaptalk1411838496928.jpguploadfromtaptalk1411838522466.jpguploadfromtaptalk1411838540591.jpguploadfromtaptalk1411838557236.jpguploadfromtaptalk1411838574584.jpg


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Nice doe! I had a small buck feed under me for about 20 minutes last night. Was gonna hit 1 of my hopeful spots this morning, but I decided to eat some jalapeno pretzels and BLT's right before bed last night and I was up from 1-4 a.m. wishing I hadnt. Didnt have it in me to go on a couple hours sleep


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
A little warm today so gonna pass on this evening and get some mulch down around the house and do a few other things. Will get out a couple evenings next week and supposed to be a little cooler Friday so will hit it then.Will just go evenings now until the last week of Oct.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Had a good sit last night. Had a great wind for one of my better stands. Sat down at about 5:45 and by 6:20 I had 3 young bucks feeding in the alfalfa across the field. They eventually came within 75 yards before heading into the woods. At 6:45 one of my target bucks, I believe a nice 8 point, stepped out of the corn about 300 yards behind me. He fed my way for a bit but eventually angled off through the bean field towards the far end of the alfalfa. Then right at sunset I had a nice doe with 2 fawns walk right past me at 25 yards, just how I envisioned when I sat up the stand. She even stopped in a perfect shooting window for me. I let them walk and they fed off into the sunset. All in all a really fun sit when ya have deer around you the whole time


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Sat in my favorite stand tonight. It was nice. All the corn under it was freshly shelled yesterday. Seen a total of 10 deer. Passed on 2 does. Seen 1 big boy but he stayed a couple hundred yards away from the rest of the herd. He had zero interest in socializing