Gotta have one! It's almost mandatory!!!
We have 38 wake-ups until we can shower up, smoker up, and stick something!!!
We have 38 wake-ups until we can shower up, smoker up, and stick something!!!
im not even close to being ready
What the hell you waiting on?!?
I'm hoping to be ready by the end of the month. The goal is to finish up in the next week so I can focus on cameras, glassing, and my "Honey-Do" list. I'm hoping to be free and clear come September 25!!!
got the broadheads flying good this evening. No good buck sightings to date at the properties that I have access to. There are a couple of scrubs running through the yard that have potential for future seasons though.
here's a reminder ...
32 more fuggers!!! :smiley_carnaval:
We got our last stand hung on our new farm this weekend and I moved one at my dad's farm. Both stands are high on my list of top stands. Can't wait to sit in either one!!!
This is going to be Dannmann's year! :smiley_bril: