Killed three squirrels in my woods today. I have tagged a doe and a buck. I have seen darn near zero deer activity in my own woods so I figured I would go squirrel hunting. Wouldn't ya know it? Kick up two deer walking in. Stopped 20-30yds inside the wood line. Watched some squirrels skurry around. Took a phone call. Stayed kneeling down to see if the squirrels would climb back down out of the trees. The two deer were back shortly. Ended up being a buck with a doe. He was pushing her all over the place. Crazy part about it was they came back towards me after I missed a squirrel, shot a squirrel, shot a second squirrel, and had to shoot the second one again to knock her out of the tree. Four shots of the 17hmr and the buck was pushing the doe back towards me without a care in the world about me. Horny fella I suppose. They were within 100yds of me in my blue jeans and green TOO hoodie. Looked at them though the scope but as they were moving through the trees I never got a great look at his rack. Looked respectable though. Wide as the ears, decent mass, and g2's were probably 5-6" long. That was all I could tell. Good luck to everyone finishing their evening hunts or heading out in the morning.