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Ricers 2014-2015 Trapping Happenings


spencerville oh
What fox bait are you using is it bait or lure or both? Ive had my best luck with marandas November red lure, and how a hawithia valley bait. This year I've changed it up a little with some federals and paw placer by Locklear. And I started using urine too which I haven't used in the past years I just used gland lure. So I don't know what to think. I only have four sets out now and I'm planning on pulling them tomarrow. I had three fugg ups with coyotes this year and it has been hell catching one ever since the second week of season. A lot of my problems are location at the moment with the four I have out now. Good luck and stay persistent.


Senior Member
I have been using three different baits, Hiawatha Valley, ground muskrat, and muskrat legs I have skinned and frozen. As far as lures o have been using Dunlaps Red Gland, Carmans Magna Gland, and Utopia Gold. My new bait I have coming is Cavens Minnesota Predator Bait Plus and my new lures are Carmans Pro Choice and Cavens Violator-7. I'm gonna continue to use fresh muskrat out of the freezer and what Hiawatha Valley I have left at another farm where they haven't experienced it yet.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Quick question for you Don, with those traps being dug up. Did you have the traps stored in the same spot as your baits and lures? Just wondering if the smell from the bait and lures didn't attach it's self to the trap while in the same compartment/pack that's why they dug them up?
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Fur buyer I worked for caught 100 fox a year. His Urine, Bait and Lure was in a separate bucket always.
He claimed to set his traps with bare hands with Urine rubbed on them. Then he would put gloves on for the liquids.


Senior Member
Quick question for you Don, with those traps being dug up. Did you have the traps stored in the same spot as your baits and lures? Just wondering if the smell from the bait and lures didn't attach it's self to the trap while in the same compartment/pack that's why they dug them up?

No. I keep them separate all the time. But I do know one thing for sure, I'm going to be a lot more particular than I have been.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Got ya. Just a thought I had and something that I know I would forget to do Everytime. At some point I would get them in the same area and contaminate my traps. I'm just not organized lol.


spencerville oh
I do think a guy gets sloppy after the first few sets of the year. Trying to get more sets out doesn't equal quality sets. Plus you throw water sets in there and it keeps a guy on his toes trying to keep stuff separate and clean. I heard a lot of good about the violater 7. Let me know what you think of it.


Senior Member
I do think a guy gets sloppy after the first few sets of the year. Trying to get more sets out doesn't equal quality sets. Plus you throw water sets in there and it keeps a guy on his toes trying to keep stuff separate and clean. I heard a lot of good about the violater 7. Let me know what you think of it.

I think that's exactly what has happened. Time to get back to paying attention again.


Senior Member
Two monster kills tonight. A stinking ass skunk and a chipmunk. Haha. First chipmunk this year and hopefully the last. Caught both of them in dog proofs.
25 coon
26 rats
2 mink
21 grinners
4 skunks
3 less cats
1 blue jay
1 chipmunk


Senior Member
Three more trap plugging, hissing, smiling, grinning, wanting to bite me in the worst way, stupid looking, trash eatin, ugly, long nosed, faking dead possums.
25 coon
26 rats
2 mink
24 grinners
4 skunks
3 less cats
1 blue jay
1 chipmunk


Senior Member
Do your bite at you Don? I just grab em and take the trap off. I had a bushel of grinners this morning too. I wish I had been keeping track of them. I have lost count. I've never caught so many in one year


Senior Member
You have a bigger heart then I do Don. They usaully get plugged in the head so I don't have to deal later in the year or the next year. I had a little fugger too.

My heart is shrinking with every one of the fuggers I catch. I don't know that I will make it the whole season before they start gettin the bullet.