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Who's goin'


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im thinking denny's or waffle house after wards , i never got to eat at the waffle house

Too bad! Neither place serves beer. And keep your mouth shut and think about what you are going to say before you say it next time. Ha!

We should set up a TOO booth and charge every person $5 who decides to come up and tell their big deer, big miss, or stolen tree stand story. We could be rich!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
How about a booth where we stand there and say "Hey asshole" as people walk by..Then when they look at us point to someone else in the crowd behind them ..

OR we set up a booth with a table andblack tablecloth.. Promise some crazy hunt or something they have to read a board behind the table.. Then while they're standing there, someone under the table reaches out from under the tablecloth and ties their shoe laces together.

I think i have some paint cans we can give away.....


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ok im lost

Waffle House and Dennys do not serve beer, as a result these restaurants would make a bad choice for a TOO get together. Not many would want to go to a restaurant just to eat and talk, most would want to also drink. Are you found now?


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Have to hold you back from this one Diablo



*Supporting Member*
For years I used to go to the outdoor show at the convention center in Cleveland, and when they moved it to the IX center. It was never about buying, but more about looking and bullshitting with folks. When they held it at the convention center you could get some decent food and beer.

As time gets closer I will have a better idea if I could make it down there or not. By the way, I like the Hooters idea!
Waffle House and Dennys do not serve beer, as a result these restaurants would make a bad choice for a TOO get together. Not many would want to go to a restaurant just to eat and talk, most would want to also drink. Are you found now?

got ya , jus sounded like i pissed ya off when ya said keep my mouth shut ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,was reading it wrong ..... kimda baffled me......lol