Adam, that dog has lab in it. I'd bet my next pay check on it...
That's kind of what we thought as well but never had a vet say for sure. Bath time sucked because you have to run your hand and the hose up her back to even get her wet. If you didn't go against the hair it would just roll right off. All I know is she is LAZY as hell and won't fetch anything lmao. I couldn't even get her to play with any toys when she was a pup. If it wasn't a rawhide you could forget about it lmao. She wouldn't chase after any toys so there was no playing she rather just lay there chewing her bone.
I found her the same year my father passed away wondering around out at the woods we hunted at the time. She still had all her puppy teeth and had worms pretty bad so I brought her home with me and took her to the vets. She has been the best family dog I have ever had since. She is smart as hell TOO. I trained her to respond to finger commands such as 1 = sit, 2= shake, 3= laydown, and I don't have to say a word just show her the number of fingers

. She loves to run the woods and track and I wish I would have had the time back then to train her for search and rescue. We did use her for a therapy dog at the MRDD daily living/industry for a little bit. When my son was born she would just let him tug on her ears, tail and climb all over her lmao.
Arthritis in her hips is getting her down a bit over the last couple years so we don't get her out to the woods much anymore. It will be a very sad day when she leaves us in the next couple years.