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Lets see your "best friend"


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My old beagle, Daisy, is the fat one. My collie/terrier mix, Lily, is on the right. That's Katie in the middle taking a nap.

As soon as I can find it, I'll post an old pic of Daisy in her younger days with a bunny. She was good!


Senior Member
I love this thread. Zach that is one funny dog, and I love all the labs!

Here's mine, I sure do miss her....
Molly2.jpgesther and I.jpg

Ohhh, sorry ya meant dogs...not to call her a bitch but I do like my blondes and miss her TOO!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
This is my current dog I have had for the past 11 almost 12 years now. She is probably one of the best family dogs I have ever had along the way. She is a chow mix and we have yet to figure out what she is mixed with but I tell ya what...water runs right off of her and makes for a pain in the ass when it's time for a bath.

And just like Joe's bassett...she is the greatest huntress of food EVER lmao.



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I'll share..This is my beagle Cassie, she's a great dog, she's really friendly. I'd like to get her in the woods more though. First i gotta teach her how to listen better, she does ok but i still dont have the confidence to let her out in the woods.

Not sure what she's doing here...



Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
Some good looking dogs on here fellas. This is my best buddy Remington. He's pushing 3.5 right now and starting to get some grey whiskers around the muzzle. Ain't much for a hunting dog, but he's made a damn good dog and that's all I could really ask for...

I taught him right from the beginning!!!

After some training...

All business...



Dignitary Member
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NW Ohio Tundra
Here is my golden retriever Hunter when he was 4 years old...

And here he is when he was 10 years old....

He is now almost 12.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Adam, that dog has lab in it. I'd bet my next pay check on it...

That's kind of what we thought as well but never had a vet say for sure. Bath time sucked because you have to run your hand and the hose up her back to even get her wet. If you didn't go against the hair it would just roll right off. All I know is she is LAZY as hell and won't fetch anything lmao. I couldn't even get her to play with any toys when she was a pup. If it wasn't a rawhide you could forget about it lmao. She wouldn't chase after any toys so there was no playing she rather just lay there chewing her bone.

I found her the same year my father passed away wondering around out at the woods we hunted at the time. She still had all her puppy teeth and had worms pretty bad so I brought her home with me and took her to the vets. She has been the best family dog I have ever had since. She is smart as hell TOO. I trained her to respond to finger commands such as 1 = sit, 2= shake, 3= laydown, and I don't have to say a word just show her the number of fingers :D. She loves to run the woods and track and I wish I would have had the time back then to train her for search and rescue. We did use her for a therapy dog at the MRDD daily living/industry for a little bit. When my son was born she would just let him tug on her ears, tail and climb all over her lmao.

Arthritis in her hips is getting her down a bit over the last couple years so we don't get her out to the woods much anymore. It will be a very sad day when she leaves us in the next couple years.


Senior Member
Not mine, but I've hunted over them for years. Some of the best dog pics I've seen...
Annie and Jenni



Dignitary Member
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Sunbury, OH
Last year at Christmas...

This summer/fall...



Does anyone know how you tell if a dog is retarded? Like Diablo I was beginning to wonder on this one. He is just so hard headed. He doesn't care about consequences when he has head wrapped about something. He is finally starting to mellow and not piss anytime he is in trouble. The biggest thing for his behavior is exercise. It is weird that he has a foot fetish. Damn dog won't leave feet alone :{



Senior Member
Last year at Christmas...

This summer/fall...



Does anyone know how you tell if a dog is retarded? Like Diablo I was beginning to wonder on this one. He is just so hard headed. He doesn't care about consequences when he has head wrapped about something. He is finally starting to mellow and not piss anytime he is in trouble. The biggest thing for his behavior is exercise. It is weird that he has a foot fetish. Damn dog won't leave feet alone :{


Ha ha They will grow out of it. My lab Leo was/ adn still is the same way. I had a sport dog collar for him, for hunting. I had to turn it all the way up on 8, which is the highest shock setting to get his attention. His biggest flaw is what makes him such a good duck dog! Once he starts after a bird, he isnt quiting until he finds it!


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Gods Country
Here are a few pictures of Samson, a friend from the past. We lost him in Nov. of 09 the week of my birthday. He was only 6 years old and had a lot of life in him yet. He was a toy fox terrier but had the mindset of one big dog. I remember one time visiting a friends house we took Samson with us and they had a red doberman named Bear. They were both out in the yard and all of the sudden we heard Bear yelping. Looking out the window we saw Bear running around in circles with Samson hanging from his rump. What I would give to have pictures of that. I can't remember how many ground hogs he pinned in his 6 years either. He would be going nuts outside and I would go see what was going on. He would have a ground hog pinned or cornered and would hold them there till I got the 22 and then he would back off and let me shoot them.

Here is one of him when I was taking a nap. He would always roll over to have his belly petted. My wife took this picture of him because he followed her into the room hopped up on the bed and rolled over against my hand waiting for me to start rubbing his belly. I was out like a light though.

Sure do miss ya Buddy.


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
Dogs are great...

Here is Buck, we lost him last March to cancer. The kids still talk about him coming down to visit as an angel dog.

These ones were taken just before we went to the vet for the last time. He definitely had a "don't quit" attitude. The people at the vet's office that morning thought it was just awesome he had a few last retrieves, and got to get a little muddy that morning. Miss him all the time...



Senior Member
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Central Ohio
These are of Timber. He's the duck dog of the house. It's funny to watch him when I start getting gear ready to go hunting. I usually get everything ready the night before and when I do, he doesn't leave my side. His pupil's get real big, and he knows it's time to hunt....

First hunt, early goose season a few years back.

Watching the sky for birds.

My boys.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Curran- You SOB! Just about brought a tear to my eye talking about ol' Buck. Anyone that has ever lost a damn good dog knows what I am talking about. Thanks for sharing. Timber is a beautiful dog as well. Between Kaiser's dog and your Timber, those are two great looking labs. I shouldn't forget Remi either. Many fine looking labs here.


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
Curran- You SOB! Just about brought a tear to my eye talking about ol' Buck. Anyone that has ever lost a damn good dog knows what I am talking about. Thanks for sharing. Timber is a beautiful dog as well. Between Kaiser's dog and your Timber, those are two great looking labs. I shouldn't forget Remi either. Many fine looking labs here.

You don't want to see the picture & music tribute my wife put together after Buck had left us then. Man... talk about rough watching that thing.

You're right though Hicks, losing a dog is like losing a best friend, or a family member. You can only know what it's like if you've gone through it.

Keep the pics coming fellas... love looking at the dog pics!!!!