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shotgun season changed me this year


Well-Known Member
Hell I'm ok with the "1 shot challenge". It took some shooting in, but with my muzzleloader hitting groundhog sized targets at 100 yards...I'm picking that gun before a shotgun! Why are so many guys hunting with these high tech inlines or going to single barrel 200 yard shotguns? You only need one shot if it's good!

Steve, I probably had not thrown 5 sabots over the previous 5 years, but this year I shot 5 times at that big boy I killed. If I would have had only one shot that deer would just have been a memory. Maybe I'm just not a very good hunter or maybe I haven't killed enough big deer to be to that point. I did put down the cross bow for a vertical bow, but gun hunting is a totally different animal. I guess that why I shoot a top of the line gun, good optics and high end ammo. If I'm going to screw up its going to be on me, not my equipment.
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Senior Member
Steve, I probably had not thrown 5 sabots over the previous 5 years, but this year I shot 5 times at that big boy I killed. If I would have had only one shot that deer would just have been a memory. Maybe I'm just not a very good hunter or maybe I haven't killed enough big deer to be to that point. I did put down the cross bow for a vertical bow, but gun hunting is a totally different animal. I guess that why I shoot a top of the line gun, good optics and high end ammo. If I'm going to screw up its going to be on me, not my equipment.

Shu, I completely see that side of the argument. I haven't been able to shotgun hunt in 3 years anyways... there are most def situations where multiple shots are needed/wanted. I was trying to make the point that shooting an inline isn't as huge of a challenge as it's been made out to be sometimes, in my opinion. They are very effective weapons that can kill deer, as are shotguns. And rifles. And bows...


Senior Member
This season changed me
As well. I went to a spot
With my dad and uncle where we always push a few does
Into a bottom. I was the
Stander and sure enough here came the first doe. I grabbed my muzzy and fired. I missed and knew i missed as soon as i shot. I looked for blood and couldnt find any. There were no tracks either. I thought back and realised that i was dissapointed with myself for even being in the woods with that gun. There was no fairness in the "hunt". It wasnt even hunting. I told my dad i would never do it again. He looked at me funny and laughed but i still havent touched a gun for deer hunting since then, and hopefully never will. I didnt even get an adrenaline rush when i shot.


Now Posts as Jesse..
SE Ohio
I think it's safe to say that I may never shoot another deer with a shotgun unless it would be on a drive for shits and giggles. Hell, I haven't shot one with a shotgun since my big 9 back in 2004. I haven't even shot a deer with a gun since 2007 as far as that goes. For me, and this is strictly my opinion based on experience and locale, gun hunting (particularly with a shotgun) is taking the easy way out. If I need to kill a deer, I can grab the Mossberg and take a walk and I'll kill something. The decipline and challenge of bowhunting and a muzzleloader are what I'm after, not the lead slinging shotgun days of old. That's not saying there's anything wrong with it or that I think a deer killed with a shotgun means less, or deserves less credit because I don't feel that way when it comes to the accomplishments of others. But I do feel that way when it comes to what I kill and it's purely a personal thing. If and/or when I ever shoot a deer with a gun again, it'll simply be because I wanted to and felt like killing something, not because I needed to or had to...


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
I have killed more deer with a muzzleloader then with a shotgun. I don't feel at much disadvantage with the muzzleloader over a slug gun. Yes there has been a few deer I didn't get get because of the one shot but there are others I feel I got because the one shot forced me to wait for a better shot. I also like the feel, handling and triggers of my MLs that I believe has allowed me to be a better shot. It's cheaper to shoot a ML so I practice more with a ML then a slug gun with a expensive sabot slugs.


Well-Known Member
This season changed me
As well. I went to a spot
With my dad and uncle where we always push a few does
Into a bottom. I was the
Stander and sure enough here came the first doe. I grabbed my muzzy and fired. I missed and knew i missed as soon as i shot. I looked for blood and couldnt find any. There were no tracks either. I thought back and realised that i was dissapointed with myself for even being in the woods with that gun. I told my dad i would never do it again. He looked at me funny and laughed but i still havent touched a gun for deer hunting since then, and hopefully never will. I didnt even get an adrenaline rush when i shot.
There was no fairness in the "hunt". It wasnt even hunting.

But sitting over a bait pile is? Not saying that's what you personally do.....I just find it amusing that so many anti-gunners sit over bait and then judge those that drive deer or shoot them at 100+ yards beacause it's not "fair". Personally, I love to hunt period. I will use any legal method. I challenge myself by putting limits on the maturity of the deer I shoot, not the weapon I use. Even the does I shoot are big mature deer, not yearlings or 1 1/2 year olds. Everyone has there own approach and I try not to judge others, but all of the anti-gun hunting rhetoric gets old.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I enjoy being afforded a complete range of expression - crossbow, vertical bow, single shot shotgun, pump action shotgun, muzzleloader.
Why limit yourself?

I'd like to shoot a deer with my 30-30 - might go to a different state some time to give it a try.
Maybe a handgun someday.
And if Ohio ever opens a harpoon season, I'm in.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
There was no fairness in the "hunt". It wasnt even hunting.

But sitting over a bait pile is? Not saying that's what you personally do.....I just find it amusing that so many anti-gunners sit over bait and then judge those that drive deer or shoot them at 100+ yards beacause it's not "fair". Personally, I love to hunt period. I will use any legal method. I challenge myself by putting limits on the maturity of the deer I shoot, not the weapon I use. Even the does I shoot are big mature deer, not yearlings or 1 1/2 year olds. Everyone has there own approach and I try not to judge others, but all of the anti-gun hunting rhetoric gets old.

Even hunting over a bait pile? lmao
what i was meaning was i can unload my shotgun in under 5 seconds , thats three slugs flying towards my target , which usually makes me a little cocky thinking i got 3 shots i dont need to wait for a really good shot , with a muzzleloader i can have it reloaded in 30 to 45 seconds , i have to pick my shot , i have a habit of taking running shots , which i have gotten pretty good at over the years , i dont take running shots anymore , but the urge is still there and i catch myself pulling up on a running deer, with a muzzleloader i would need a standing target . i also have a habit of shooting through brush at deer or not the clearest of shooting lanes , with a muzzy i wouldnt be able to do that , i feel going from a shotgun to a muzzleloader will sharpen my hunting skills and teach me a little more patience , cause i would have to choose my shots better , cause i wouldnt have them two follow up shots as quickly anymore , i believe , it will help me grow as a deer hunter , and any one who has ever bow hunted with me will tell ya i dont have patience when it comes to bow hutning , and thats the reasoning for the bow hunting , it will teach me better patience and letting the deer getting closer for a better shot


Well-Known Member
Even hunting over a bait pile? lmao

Yes, I have done it! That's kind of what I'm saying. I have hunted with crossbows, vertical bows, handguns, shotguns, muzzy, bait, controlled hunts, public land, privateland, I have leased before.....I like to hunt! I hate it when one group gets picked on over and over. I realize we all like to challenge ourselves and we won't do it in the same way, but come on most of us got our start in gun hunting. If it wasn't challenging, none of us would ever eat tag soup and we would all be members of the BBBC and B&C.


Well-Known Member
I enjoy being afforded a complete range of expression - crossbow, vertical bow, single shot shotgun, pump action shotgun, muzzleloader.
Why limit yourself?

I'd like to shoot a deer with my 30-30 - might go to a different state some time to give it a try.
Maybe a handgun someday.
And if Ohio ever opens a harpoon season, I'm in.

rotflmao Good stuff...I'm with you, if there's a season I'm in!