I will have to echoe the statements about the physical issues... you see, when I was young, I was indestructible. And I acted accordingly. Broken tibia, torn up knee cartilage, separated shoulder, broken wrist....you get the idea. I feel every one of those injuries every day. I see the videos of these young bucks doing stupid shit to get on you tube and I think to myself " dumbass, youre gonna regret that in about 30 years". I can also attest to the things that just come with getting old, wearing bifocals now, my hearing is not always good, got a.spare tire for a gut, libido isn't quite what it was, blood pressure... but I also notice the more mental things. I find I have a much lower tolerance for stupidity, but more of a tolerance for youth. Sometimes they can't help but be stupid, they're too young to understand. I used to want the fast loud car, now I'm more interested in the dependable one. I now prefer comfort over style, that wasn't always the case. I find I have more patience than I used to and I now understand the meaning of the old saying about "stopping to smell the roses".