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As you get older

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Jim- every piece of material you just posted was spot on. However, your last post resonates my friend! Well done.

I had a cool knee surgery when I was in HS. I thought it was a sports injury deal... nah. I have a really cool degenerative bone disease. The good DR. told me I'd need to have my knees replaced by 25. Fortunately, he was incorrect, and to this point I have not had to have them replaced. In fact, my knees are the least of my concerns. Every part of my body hurts. Ha. Some days, far worse than others. The bright side, been that way for years, so it's obviously not an age thing. :) I've had hair on my freaking shoulders since I was 20... Whatcha gonna do? I've never had blood pressure issues, cholesterol problems, or anything too serious. The fact I hurt is minor compared to what many of you guys deal with. If it weren't for my HS friends on FB looking so old, I'd never know its happening to me too...


*Supporting Member*
Crawford county
I will have to echoe the statements about the physical issues... you see, when I was young, I was indestructible. And I acted accordingly. Broken tibia, torn up knee cartilage, separated shoulder, broken wrist....you get the idea. I feel every one of those injuries every day. I see the videos of these young bucks doing stupid shit to get on you tube and I think to myself " dumbass, youre gonna regret that in about 30 years". I can also attest to the things that just come with getting old, wearing bifocals now, my hearing is not always good, got a.spare tire for a gut, libido isn't quite what it was, blood pressure... but I also notice the more mental things. I find I have a much lower tolerance for stupidity, but more of a tolerance for youth. Sometimes they can't help but be stupid, they're too young to understand. I used to want the fast loud car, now I'm more interested in the dependable one. I now prefer comfort over style, that wasn't always the case. I find I have more patience than I used to and I now understand the meaning of the old saying about "stopping to smell the roses".


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I tell my grandsons the same thing about problems when they get older. All I hear 'it's fun' and I tell them when they find out grandpa was correct I'll be long gone to tell grandpa 'you where right'. Hell I know I'm right because I lived it.


*Supporting Member*
And from my perspective...........no droopy balls, but let's just say I'm glad I never got any tattoes on the ole titties.
Eye sight gets worse and worse. I need reading glasses for everything, but am suppose to wear bifocals, I just don't.

I can't ever remember what I went in to a room to get, and if it isn't written down, it definitely won't be picked up at the store.

Aches and pains come and go but ibuprofen is my friend.

On the plus side.......my fucks to give are few and far between. It's really liberating.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorta forgot about Diane being on here. Thanks for the different perspective. . . .I think. lmao

I did get a chuckle out of it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I gotta tell you two things. Having a colonoscopy is fairly simple. You drink a lot of Gatorade, squirt for a while & before you know it, it's over & done with no feeling of getting ur ass reamed. Count yourself lucky if those preforming the procedure aren't your co workers ... I can't. haha. Acid reflux.... nothing is worse than being sound asleep & then feeling a trickling in your throat & then shooting straight upwards out of bed wide awake with a strong desire to be dead. It takes a long while to get back to any normalcy, & you're still wide awake.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
When you get the colonoscopy they actually inflate the colon with air too get a good view/pictures of the circumference of the entire area.... They used too use compressed air, now they add a scent too it for the people in the room..... Since you're out and they well..... Aren't lol
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
When you get the colonoscopy they actually inflate the colon with air too get a good view/pictures of the circumference of the entire area.... They used too use compressed air, now they add a scent too it for the people in the room..... Since you're about and they well..... Aren't lol

To much information! :redface:lol


Tatonka guide.
I don't trust farts like I used too... Definetly no white underwear anymore


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Don't get me started on a barium enema and cheek squeezing too a commode..... lmao!!!
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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I'm not reading this shit anymore. No pun intended....lol

Picture a very large IV bag, a long rubber tube..... Tube inserted in the rectum and a ballon which is part of the tube inserted inside you is inflated too seal it in place.... IV raised high above you, barium flows into intestine and X-rays are taken too show any abnormalities..... It gets better.... They lower the bag below you at almost ground level.... Said fluid flows out of you into the bag..... All is well, and it's done... Or so you think lol... Not all of it can leave your rectum.... Now you have too try too stand.... Walk 10' too a door, open said door and make it 5 more feet too the commode.... All the while squeezing your cheeks together as not too leak anything on the floor..... You sit down and your anus explodes like nothing you have ever experienced before in your life..... The explosion echoes thru the restroom you're in, multiple times... You're moaning and groaning just hoping it will stop lol.... You finish, get cleaned up and dressed and step out of the door that you were instructed too, just too find out you're in a waiting room and they heard every sound that escaped your body.....


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
I'm not 40 yet (still over a year away from that) but I can relate to Cotty...

Well, let's see here... as soon as I hit 40 I noticed:

2. Became allergic to poison ivy/sumac/oak (whatever) - I've always had that. I just deal with it.
4. hair grows on back of triceps, shoulders - I've always been part werewolf, so again I just deal with it.
6. nose hair out of control - yep that shit can get crazy.
7. eyebrows out of control - yep. Look like furry caterpillars if I don't keep on them.
11. back hair - see werewolf comment above
12. gray hairs are popping up - been having that since early 30's so I just deal with it. It's not gray. It's sophistication and distinguishing good looks.
13. still can't grow a good beard - werewolf
15. I say "back in my day" more and more to my kids. - yep. Sound like my parents more and more everyday.

All in all though I'm in better shape now than I was in my early 30's. The past few years I've been exercising and eating much better. That helped me drop from 200 lbs to a steady 175 to 180 lbs. My routine has been lifting, body weight exercises and cardio five days a week.

I feel great, have energy to keep up with my kids and look forward to getting better. Does it take longer to bounce back when I get injured? Probably. But attitude has a lot to do with everything. That's the biggest thing I've learned over the years. You have to want to stay in shape, to push yourself and to get better. Once you get that mentality it needs fed and I look forward to getting up and making myself better every morning.
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spencerville oh
High blood pressure started 3 years ago at 35.
Two herniated disk this spring I have had two injection for the disk and arthritis.
Arthritis in my hands is getting worse.
I get winded very easy due to my lung getting burnt by anhydrous amoina.
Weight seems to be creepy up every year and your typical aches and pains. But I look back at my past and wonder how the hell I'm still alive with all the stories that started with hold my beer. But I'm glad God gives every day that I wake up.