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Gordo's 2015 Season Log


Senior Member
Athens County
Great sit. One of my best.

Saw 3 deer and they where all shooters. Didnt catch a break to get a shot at any.

The one was familiar from last year; a solid 10 pushing 160 that added serious mass from last year.

Unreal. Its gonna take an hour to document this hunt

I know where i'll be hunting the next couple weeks. Going all in at this place. 3 shooters. Its a no brainer. L
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Senior Member
Athens County
So I got settled in later then I wanted yesterday afternoon. The property owner is a good buddy, and his mom just had a stroke, so he had to vent a little bit about his family and we just shot the shit and caught up.

Got on stand at 3:45ish. After being there for 10 minutes, I let out a couple doe bleets and 2 grunts. About 5 minutes later, I look behind me, and see a whole lot of bone. This beautiful 10 point had popped out of the edge of the opppositte side of the field. He was about 100 yards away, and slowly began working his way to me right down the middle of the field. He got to about 45 yards and veered the other direction, and began working tree's on the edge. I through a grunt/snort weeze at him, and he didnt give a shit. He eventually walked out of sight. I shook like a mofo once he was gone. Great encounter, beautiful deer.

About 40 minutes later, I see more bone. This time its a beautiful 8 point. He wasnt to heavy compared to the ten, but holy shit did he have the length to him. Id say 140's easy. The closest he got was about 80 yards. He was moving at a decent clip. A steady walk. Watched him for about 3 minutes and then he was gone.

At that point I was stoked. Seeing big deer is always fun

So now the sun is setting, and I saw movement. It was about 5:45 and it was getting tought to see. I raised my binocs up, and thought I saw 2 bucks. Well, it turned out being only one. He was a shooter also. Looked to be a 9 with a big old body. It got dark on me and I eventually lost him. I sat in stand for an extra 40 minutes to let him clear out as I was confident he was close and didnt want to bump him. I'm pretty sure I got out undetected.

It was a great hunt. Ive never seen 3 obvious shooters in one sit before. Ive never even had 3 shooters confirmed on one property before.

I have zero cams up at this time, and havent used them this year other then trying to get one patterned for my dad early season. I started to shy away from cam use last season, and it was great. I wasnt wrapped up on one buck and bounced around to alot of different properties. It was some great hunting. I saw some great deer that I otherwise would have never seen. I let that roll into this season, and although I havent killed anything yet, Its just been great hunting. Keeping everything fresh and not getting burned out over 1 deer on 1 property.

with that being said, I may need to pop a cam up and get these deer on camera. lol. Honestly, at this point, im not worried about it. I will be putting just about all my time in on this one property for the next couple weeks though.

Going to get another set of sticks set today on this property. That'll give me 3 sets where I'll just have to hang the millenium, and there is one permanent hang on.

I'm excited as shit. Any one of those bucks would get the arrow without hesitation. Now its just a matter of making it happen.

I'll post up a couple pics that I have from last year. The 10 point is no doubt about it the deer I saw last night. Let him walk last year, and he blew the fugg up.


Senior Member
Athens County




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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Man!!! What a hunt you had!!! If never seen 3 shooters in one sit either! Hope you get a shot at that nut 10 man! Good luck and keep in keepin brotha!


Senior Member
Athens County
Man!!! What a hunt you had!!! If never seen 3 shooters in one sit either! Hope you get a shot at that nut 10 man! Good luck and keep in keepin brotha!

I still cant fuckin believe it. All three where diff deer with the smallest being high 130s id say.

It reminded me of a hunt i had last year at the same place except for they all needed another year.

Gotta keep putting the time in and hopefully catch a break


Senior Member
Athens County
Just checked the date of my hunt from last year that i mentioned. Sure enough it was on november 3rd. Heres some crappy iphone pics from that day.





Senior Member
Athens County
I remember those pics!

yeah buddy. I remember texting my dad that day and saying it was like a "TV hunt". ha

last year the woods didnt explode on that property with chasing/rut behavior until the 3rd week of november.

This spot is turning into my favorite. The genetics are there and the layout is just awesome. There's a little bit of everything with the terrain really creating some beautiful pinch points and funnels

giggity gewwwww. :pickle:


Senior Member
Athens County
No hunting tonight. Got myself set up and ready to go hard. Going to sit for the long haul tomorrow. Its going to be warm again, but that doesnt mean shit. Its going to be November the 4th! Im oozing with confidence over a new stand location. There's no doubt in my mind that i'll get a crack at a good one outta this new set.


Senior Member
You are quickly learning how easy it is too kill a buck with a compound. It's a new game Gordo. You will be frustrated I'm sure. But in the end even if it's a 120 it's much sweeter.