Bad news boys... I'm getting feedback on the Creek trail that we rode last year. I've grown up riding that trail and every year it became a different adventure, but the last 5 or 6 years it's become worse and worse due to jeep and truck use. My sources are saying that there are parts that are impassable and pretty dangerous. Some of the spots we had trouble in last year are now just flat out treacherous. Considering we have plenty of other ground to ride on, we may have to bypass the creek trail. I'm just not comfortable taking a bunch of guys down there and risking an injury. That was a bad experience last year when Ric got hurt and weighed heavy on my shoulders for a long time. Still does...
We will still ride, and we will have fun touring the grounds, but that one trail may be a no-go.
We will still ride, and we will have fun touring the grounds, but that one trail may be a no-go.