The hits just keep coming. Moms doing a better little better after her surgery. Still in pain though.
Started smelling mold in my living room about 2 weeks ago. Last week I pulled up the carpet under my wife's chair and there's black mold under the carpet on the subfloor and the padding. Come to find out the down spout from the upper roof to the lower roof had the 90 degree piece of pipe blow off a while back and I didn't notice it. Well I had put it back on and thought nothing of it. Also started noticing water drops on my ping pong table in the basement. Wasn't sure how the hell that happened. I put 2 and 2 together once I pulled the carpet back. Had a roofing guy come out yesterday, who is good friends with my Ins agent, who I am also good friends with. Looks like Ill be needing a new roof. I'm waiting to hear from the adjuster to set up a time for him to come out, take a look at the roof, the carpet, the subfloor and possibly tearing out drywall to look at the studs. GRRR. Looks like this will be the wife and I's Xmas gifts to each other. I'm hoping that if this goes through, that they will replace the whole downstairs carpet, which we have been waiting to do anyways. just not the right time $ wise.