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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Staff member
If you want a drink, clear liquors are your "healtiest" unless of course you like red wine. I keep a good red wine around for my weekly intake and keep my beer to the weekend as much as possible. One thing about cleaning up my diet was suffering the effects of alcohol more than in the past. I can feel 2-3 beers in the AM now. Not as in a hangover, but I notice the lingering effect on my body and mind.

I'm still doing fairly well on my modified paleo diet. Being home with Tracie and the girls will help me stay pretty disciplined since we need Tracie as healthy as possible, so I have incentive to cook a lot and to cook healthy. My goal this year is to have a legit "beach body" by the time we go to the beach in August.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Started watching my food intake more last week. Made a goal for myself to lose 14 lbs before spring break. So far one full week in and I am feeling pretty good. I am taking a simple approach. Cut out all Coke and junk food. Eating lean proteins and limiting carbs. Over the weekend I did have a couple beers (some things just aren't going to change).

Been weighing everyday. Lost 6 lbs the first week. Typical for me though the first 5-6 lbs always seem to come off the easiest. I suspect half of that is due to water weight with an increase in excercise.

My exercise plan so far has just been to be more hands on at wrestling practice. I have always rolled around with the team at practice but now I am picking up the intensity. Once wrestling season is over I will start more cardio and core workouts. My overall plan is to drop these 14 lbs then keep with the better eating choices and slowly drop another 5 lbs over the summer. After that it will be mostly about maintaining.



Senior Member
Athens County
Shit man, if I read correctly, those f'n twisted teas have 31 g of total carbs.......

Is that even possible? A Miller lite has 3.1.

By not drinking those things anymore I should Widdle away to nothing.....


*****looked up 24 ouncer*******

Seems about as bad of a drink as there is.
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That's an entire meal! On the bright side there is no cholesterol LOL!

Well I'm back on the path to eating healthy again. My recent Dr. visit I got my ass kicked so it's time to stop whining and get to it. Was at 213 when I weighed in there two weeks ago, now at 205. Funny thing is I haven't taken a Motrin for a headache or anything in almost that two weeks. Used to take them almost daily. We've been looking more at organic products and shopping the perimeter of the store. Much more berries and fruit too in the diet. Fingers crossed I don't get my ass kicked the next time I head in to the Dr's!!


Staff member
For reference, I keep daily carbs to 150 net grams and 25 grams of sugar. That game ain't easy, hence why "perfection" is doing that 80% of the time or 17 of your 21 meals for the week.
I should add I've been using MyFitnessPal again, an app to log your meals. It helps you learn what you can and should not eat. Goes hand-in-hand when watching carbs like what you are doing Jesse as you can set your daily % of carbs and it will alert you when you are being bad LOL.


Staff member
How's everyone doing on their journeys?

I hit my target of 195 this week and have settled in to a pretty good routine food wise. I need to pick it up on an exercise front, but that'll come with better weather and once we settle in to a routine as a family. Bringing a new baby home disrupts a lot more than sleep!


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Good job, Jesse. I somewhat failed this week. Started out a little stronger than I should have and ended up with my feet up because of it. I also drank one day during the week...which I said I wasn't going to do. But sitting at home for two days during the week got my thirsty bone, lol. It's a work in progress, I'm not as dedicated as some of you, but I'll get there.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
198.6 on the scale yesterday morning. Need to solidify a workour regimen that i can sustain but the portion control is working.



Senior Member
Athens County
I'm slowly dropping a little weight. F'd up last night and ate pizza/sub.

Thought the pounds would be melting off by now just by changing what I was drinking. It hasn't been that long. In my younger days I'd feel like I could drop 5-10 a week off the bat.

Either way, body is feeling better. I feel like positive change is comeing as soon as my body gets used to not haveing the high sugar/carbs/CRAP I was feeding it consistently.

Still need to up my activity level. Should be happening sooner then later, weather permitting



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I haven't been on a scale recently but it sure doesn't feel like I've completely shed the holiday weight quite yet. I'm not doing as good of a job controlling portions as I was this time last year. On the plus side my workouts are going great and I feel strong as ever. The four days a week routine is working well for me. Two of those days i focus on chest/triceps/shoulders and the other two are legs, biceps, back, etc. I'm finally up to squatting 225 for 5 sets of 5 reps without discomfort. Last year I injured my groin and never really recovered. Right now my legs feel great. Also put up 200 on bench press for 5 full sets of 5 reps last night. That's a first for me I believe. Feeling good...Feeling strong... Just need to get rid of this spare tire around my waist.


Nice job jagermeister. I'm actually putting weight on now for my competition and I'll start cutting after. I was 263 yesterday which is the heaviest I've been. I like the eating, but I feel fat, which I am haha


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
I didn't drink at all during the week last week, only drank one day this weekend, and have cut 90% of my meals in half. I cheat a few here and there and add a Root Beer to those meals, lol. 219 down to 206...a pound a day will slow down here shortly, I'm sure.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I didn't drink at all during the week last week, only drank one day this weekend, and have cut 90% of my meals in half. I cheat a few here and there and add a Root Beer to those meals, lol. 219 down to 206...a pound a day will slow down here shortly, I'm sure.

You'll be squeezing your skinny ass in them yote dens in no time....

I've been teetering between 200 & 203. We had a power outage at home and work this week, Thurs through Sunday for work, so I was able to bring the work computer home and get some things done. I found that being at home was incredibly difficult to stay on a healthy path. Mostly over eating and eating too often. As we slowly get rid of crappy foods and snacks in the house I think it would at least be healthier for me, hopefully easier too.