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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


Staff member
I've been teetering between 200 & 203. We had a power outage at home and work this week, Thurs through Sunday for work, so I was able to bring the work computer home and get some things done. I found that being at home was incredibly difficult to stay on a healthy path. Mostly over eating and eating too often. As we slowly get rid of crappy foods and snacks in the house I think it would at least be healthier for me, hopefully easier too.

Interesting to read Chuck as I would say my diet is better when I work from home, but it is harder for me to exercise when at home. I sort of miss reporting to an office (or defined "field") in terms of structure. Building work structure in to your home life is fine when it's sporadic, but it's a chore all it's own when you don't have an office EXCEPT for your home.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Took four days off from lifting and got back to it again tonight. I've noticed that every now and then my body needs these "off periods" to truly recover, despite a few supplements. Must be a sign of getting older. Fuck. Anyway, since I had extra rest and was feeling good (so I thought), I decided to test my Max on the bench press, which I hadn't done since starting things back up. I had hoped for 260 but fell short and only managed 250. A little disappointing but oh well. For me maxing out has always been sporadic... Some days I feel really good, some days just kinda blah. Today was a blah day. So right now I'm back to where I was last October before my hunting season hiatus. I'm fairly happy with that. On the plus side, my legs feel stronger than they ever have so I'm hopeful for some more gains in that department.


Senior Member
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South East Ohio
Took four days off from lifting and got back to it again tonight. I've noticed that every now and then my body needs these "off periods" to truly recover, despite a few supplements. Must be a sign of getting older. Fuck. Anyway, since I had extra rest and was feeling good (so I thought), I decided to test my Max on the bench press, which I hadn't done since starting things back up. I had hoped for 260 but fell short and only managed 250. A little disappointing but oh well. For me maxing out has always been sporadic... Some days I feel really good, some days just kinda blah. Today was a blah day. So right now I'm back to where I was last October before my hunting season hiatus. I'm fairly happy with that. On the plus side, my legs feel stronger than they ever have so I'm hopeful for some more gains in that department.

That's a good Max in my opinion, with your long ass arms your not built for the bench. How old are you now? 32 was when I truly peaked without any injuries, after that my shoulders have been mucked.


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
Getting in shape, staying in shape and not slipping back is way harder than I thought. We've always considered ourselves to be a healthy household but being active and carrying a little extra weight around isn't really all that healthy. I thought I've always been in "good shape" but have I? Not really. The past few years we've made some household changes and I'm making progress, but like anything else in life, this is a journey.

To keep on track I keep things simple:

1. Find your motivation.
2. Diet has to be a family lifestyle.
3. Get moving and stay moving.

You can always have goals that branch off of those 3 things but those have been the base we have been building off of and it's worked for our family. I'll expand more later... have to finish with my "get moving and stay moving" portion of the day.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That's a good Max in my opinion, with your long ass arms your not built for the bench. How old are you now? 32 was when I truly peaked without any injuries, after that my shoulders have been mucked.

I will be 33 in July, and this is the strongest I've ever been in my life. I was always lanky as a kid... It took me a long time to actually "fill out." I do notice now though that my main issue of discomfort is in fact my joints. Shoulders, hips, knees, wrists, etc. Nothing painful yet... But noticeable. Again, getting old sucks I guess.

. I thought I've always been in "good shape" but have I? Not really...

I lived by this mindset for several years. Since I wasn't "fat" I just assumed I was in good shape. WRONG! I didn't realize just how out of shape I was until I started training again. Definitely a sobering experience.
I benched 315 for three sets of four this morning for a PR. Felt pretty good.
Dude!... Killing it! Keep up the great work.


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
I lived by this mindset for several years. Since I wasn't "fat" I just assumed I was in good shape. WRONG! I didn't realize just how out of shape I was until I started training again. Definitely a sobering experience.

Ditto Jim. It keeps getting better. I turned 40 in December and there's no doubt I could run circles around my-30-year-old-self.

To keep on track I keep things simple:

1. Find your motivation.
2. Diet has to be a family lifestyle.
3. Get moving and stay moving.

You hit it there Sean. My motivation was my Dr. being blunt on my last visit and saying if I didn't get going on lowering my triglycerides/cholesterol he would gladly head to Vegas with a $100 bill and place a bet on me having a heart attack within the next 5 years. I was surprised how long it has taken me to get back up to a quick jog the last couple weeks. I honestly believe I am in the worst shape of my life right now and that too is motivation.

Diet a family lifestyle, you bet. It is so incredibly difficult to stay on path when the rest of the family feels the eating healthy is mostly for dad. Even more difficult when all 3 decide to bring home Dairy Queen sundae's and eat them in front of me over the weekend. Hopefully if I remain strong they will slowly see the benefits of eating clean all day and making healthier choices themselves. If not they all are on the path to a doc wanting to head to Vegas.

Getting moving and staying moving is the biggest thing for me. Exercise is the most important part of me knocking down my numbers but it is by far the easiest part of the whole thing to come up with excuses. Working on a computer all day long for 50+ hrs a week does nothing but make me even more unhealthy. Schedule it, plan it, don't come up with excuses. If it's nice outside hit the road, if not that damn treadmill needs dusting off!


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Had a good workout today for first time in awhile. Walked 3 miles on treadmill, sit ups, and push up.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Had a good workout today for first time in awhile. Walked 3 miles on treadmill, sit ups, and push up.

Dude...that sad display of pull ups at my house hit hard. I just did it again...3 reps of push ups till I was shaking, straight up to pull ups. Shit is weak, I'll get better. Arms are in full spasm right now, lol.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Dude...that sad display of pull ups at my house hit hard. I just did it again...3 reps of push ups till I was shaking, straight up to pull ups. Shit is weak, I'll get better. Arms are in full spasm right now, lol.

The goal is to be better today than you were yesterday. Simple as that. As long as you're doing something you will make progress. Slow progress is still progress!


Staff member
The goal is to be better today than you were yesterday. Simple as that. As long as you're doing something you will make progress. Slow progress is still progress!

This. I ask myself two questions daily: What did I do today to make me better than I was yesterday? and What can I do today to make things better for my family? Two good ways to stay focused IMO.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Dude...that sad display of pull ups at my house hit hard. I just did it again...3 reps of push ups till I was shaking, straight up to pull ups. Shit is weak, I'll get better. Arms are in full spasm right now, lol.

Yeah i know lol. Thats why i went back to gym. Lmao.


Staff member
Diet a family lifestyle, you bet. It is so incredibly difficult to stay on path when the rest of the family feels the eating healthy is mostly for dad. Even more difficult when all 3 decide to bring home Dairy Queen sundae's and eat them in front of me over the weekend. Hopefully if I remain strong they will slowly see the benefits of eating clean all day and making healthier choices themselves. If not they all are on the path to a doc wanting to head to Vegas.

Chuck, I know your family loves you. Did or has your doctor's "bet" really hit home with them? Do they understand the importance of supporting you and how their actions impact you?

Something that really got my ass in gear was seeing how poor my mother is doing and she's not even 60. Her mom died at 62. My dad just turned 63 and doing fairly well; mom will be 59 this year. There's all kinds of shit wrong with my mom and A LOT of it is years of a shit diet. She's Type 2 diabetic and drinks as much pop and the biggest addicts on this site. Drive me nuts. Sad truth is I'm half her and guess what? Your kids are 1/2 you. Genetics can be a bitch and my mom handed down some not so good genes on the health front. Kids should understand what's in their genes and what habits exacerbate that likelihood and it should be learned young. Part of why I am as strict with K's diet is I don't want her being 30 (or older) before she learns that. Not trying to tell you how to run your family unit, but wanted to convey my perspective from inside my family unit. I was headed towards an early death 4 years ago. Had I not got my shit straight, I'd have cut myself short in this life. I'm here for the long run and I need my meat wagon to carry me through. You only have one body, take care of it!