Holding steady at 205 thanks to some terrible weekend habits. But I've now been back in the gym 3 days a week for a month and my body composition is changing, so I'm not too worried about the number on the scale. I'll roll over the plateau soon enough.
The new gym has been great. I've had one whole side to myself just about every time. I start each workout by putting on the 40# weight vest, cranking the treadmill up to the highest incline, then I walk a mile at a good clip, getting it done in under 20 minutes. Easy on my joints and it gets a good sweat going, plus it's practical cardio for my lifestyle. After that, I'll do 3 circuits of 3-4 exercises, 3 sets of 8-12 reps with 90 second breaks between sets. I'm in and out in under an hour and the work load us tremendous. And oddly enough, it's enjoyable! Last week I was dragging the 60# body bag around and a guy I know gave me the "WTF" look, then asked "WTF"? [emoji23] Told him it weighed about the same as my layout blind when it was loaded down and we have a spot that's a 300-400 yard drag, so I was replicating that suck. LOL