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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition

Just 1 More

Junior Member
That's the action, what are the results thus far? Feeling better I hope.

"Firmer" would be the way I would describe it right now.. don't know about weight loss, i'm giving it a couple weeks before I get back on the scales.. I know what I started at.
Also, cutting out the daily alcohol intake... I feel more awake, more aware.. more attentive.. Damn, makes me sound like i have a drinking problem


Staff member
"Firmer" would be the way I would describe it right now.. don't know about weight loss, i'm giving it a couple weeks before I get back on the scales.. I know what I started at.
Also, cutting out the daily alcohol intake... I feel more awake, more aware.. more attentive.. Damn, makes me sound like i have a drinking problem
Nope. I get it. I come from a long line of alcoholics and have always been attentive of my drinking habits. I frequently take days, even a full week off just to reset myself because I like a good drink, or two. I truly enjoy beer, but I don't like to drink beer if that makes sense. I'm over guzzling shitty beer in an attempt catch a buzz. I'd much rather drink 2-3 quality beers that I enjoy and call it a night. But it comes at a cost even when you're just having 1-2, especially from a physiological standpoint.

Alcohol, particularly beer, is terrible for your gut health, which is crucial to overall health. Alcohol always impacts hormone production, which has negative effects. Depending on the mixer when using hard liquor, you're taking in sugar and empty calories. A heavy dose of sugar before bed creates an insulin dump, which then creates a "fight or flight" response and disrupts sleep.

Cliff Notes: Alcohol is good, and bad. Drink red wine and clear liquor neat for nutritional results. Moderation is best.


I'm fat and strong as usual lol. I took December off from the heavy stuff to give my joints a break so I'm just getting back into my heavy sets. I didn't lose much strength overall, just lost some endurance with those weights. But I'm back at my normal routine and looking forward to finally benching over 400 lbs.


Staff member
Been meaning to drop a little accountability here. I sucked the first two weeks of the year. I was in a funk and it took me some time to really get out of it. Sadly, my first trip to the gym was last Monday and I weighed in at an unacceptable 212.5, meaning I'd gained back 32.5 of the 60#s that I'd lost. That was enough to break the funk and I'm back in motion. This morning I was 204.5 and am feeling much more like myself. The new gym I joined is 6 minutes down the road and it has all the functional strenght stuff I like. My workouts have been intense and enjoyable. I can get there, bang out a killer workout and be home in an hour. My diet is back on point and I expect to be down to 200 by the end of next week. Once I get there, I'll be shifting some things around to freshen up the routine.

Feels good to have forward momentum again.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Great stuff Jesse. Having a good gym that close to home is a game changer man. I'm jealous. To say I'm in a funk right now would be the understatement of the century. Both physically and mentally. I can't wait to be back to my normal self!


Staff member
Holding steady at 205 thanks to some terrible weekend habits. But I've now been back in the gym 3 days a week for a month and my body composition is changing, so I'm not too worried about the number on the scale. I'll roll over the plateau soon enough.

The new gym has been great. I've had one whole side to myself just about every time. I start each workout by putting on the 40# weight vest, cranking the treadmill up to the highest incline, then I walk a mile at a good clip, getting it done in under 20 minutes. Easy on my joints and it gets a good sweat going, plus it's practical cardio for my lifestyle. After that, I'll do 3 circuits of 3-4 exercises, 3 sets of 8-12 reps with 90 second breaks between sets. I'm in and out in under an hour and the work load us tremendous. And oddly enough, it's enjoyable! Last week I was dragging the 60# body bag around and a guy I know gave me the "WTF" look, then asked "WTF"? [emoji23] Told him it weighed about the same as my layout blind when it was loaded down and we have a spot that's a 300-400 yard drag, so I was replicating that suck. LOL


Staff member
One of my goals was to drop my resting HR back down to 50, which is where it's historically been when I'm in shape. Took 7 weeks to take it from 56 to 50. I seem to plateau here, but I'm hoping to get it down to 47-48, with moments of focus where I can get it to 45. Last year when I was in peak shape, I could drop it to 45 with a big dose of CBD oil and breathing exercises. If Trump is right and we only have a finite number of heart beats, I'm gonna outlive a bunch of people! LOL


One of my goals was to drop my resting HR back down to 50, which is where it's historically been when I'm in shape. Took 7 weeks to take it from 56 to 50. I seem to plateau here, but I'm hoping to get it down to 47-48, with moments of focus where I can get it to 45. Last year when I was in peak shape, I could drop it to 45 with a big dose of CBD oil and breathing exercises. If Trump is right and we only have a finite number of heart beats, I'm gonna outlive a bunch of people! LOL

How do you like that cbd oil? I've been thinking about getting some. Where did you get it, is it legal in Ohio, would it show up on a drug test?


Staff member
How do you like that cbd oil? I've been thinking about getting some. Where did you get it, is it legal in Ohio, would it show up on a drug test?
I love it. Yes, CBD is legal in all 50 states. CBD will not show up on a drug test assuming it's pure, so only by from a reputable company like Bluebird Botanicals or the Stanley Brother's company Charlotte's Web Hemp Oil.

I struggle with getting "wound tight" however you'd like to classify that, but anxiety tends to be the catch all for my symptoms. I find it greatly reduces the "knotted" feeling I tend to get and helps me focus my mental energy positively. I gave a speech in from of 350 people last year that was televised live across the globe. I took a 3x dose before hand and crushed it. When I got off stage, my HR was 52. I credit the Bluebird Botanicals CBD product for keeping me cool under pressure.


I love it. Yes, CBD is legal in all 50 states. CBD will not show up on a drug test assuming it's pure, so only by from a reputable company like Bluebird Botanicals or the Stanley Brother's company Charlotte's Web Hemp Oil.

I struggle with getting "wound tight" however you'd like to classify that, but anxiety tends to be the catch all for my symptoms. I find it greatly reduces the "knotted" feeling I tend to get and helps me focus my mental energy positively. I gave a speech in from of 350 people last year that was televised live across the globe. I took a 3x dose before hand and crushed it. When I got off stage, my HR was 52. I credit the Bluebird Botanicals CBD product for keeping me cool under pressure.

I struggle with inflammation and I've heard it's really good for that and overall recovery. I've heard it can give some people a buzz. Did you notice that?


Staff member
I struggle with inflammation and I've heard it's really good for that and overall recovery. I've heard it can give some people a buzz. Did you notice that?
Some people are idiots. No. There's none of the psychoactive canabanoids in CBD. If someone says they got a buzz, it was either a tanted batch, they're making it up or they're a pussy.

Have you tried a turmeric curcumin supplement for inflammation?


Some people are idiots. No. There's none of the psychoactive canabanoids in CBD. If someone says they got a buzz, it was either a tanted batch, they're making it up or they're a pussy.

Have you tried a turmeric curcumin supplement for inflammation?
Yep I use it everyday along with glucosamine for joint health. I was just thinking about trying cbd oil to see what would happen. I'm normally ok but sometimes if I've been lifting heavy for awhile I'll get aches and pains.