Mine would have to be when someone chews with there mouth open and you can hear the food in there mouth. idk why but it really gets to me.
The second one would have to be when people say "touche" buncha queers:smiley_baby:
Hair ball in the bathtub sink......drives me nuts!! Especially because it isn't mine but I'm the only one who will get rid of it.
White trash that wears saggy pants with boxers hanging out.
People flicking the cigarette butts out the windows while driving. WTF! They put ash trays in the vehicles last time I checked!!! People who want to tell their stories and not really listen to yours. I knew a guy once who was actually a nice guy and we both often talked about each others deer hunts BUT he would ALWAYS butt into my story while I always listened intently to his. I actually noticed that he'd seem to be thinking of his next story to tell me while I was recounting my story. When I would finish instead of asking a question he'd start telling me another one. lol Kinda of irritating but some people kill me sometimes in how they interact with others. Thank goodness I didn't give him a pop quiz on my story..................he wouldn't be able TOO guess what topic I was talking about!lmao He'd say, What! Hey did I tell you about...................................................
Loose hair ANYWHERE!