Never updated this. 82 Jeep (which is the first one I bought and needs some loving) has become my favorite. Not sure why. The fiberglass tub Jeep which looks much better just doesn't do it for me. Battery was replaced. Brake lines replaced, wheel cylinders replaced, and also had to do a master cylinder. She stops. She starts. She goes. Last fall it was puking oil out of the valve cover gasket. I swapped the gasket but it just wasn't sealing up. Topped it with oil and drove it to our other shop. Parked it behind the barn under the carport all winter. This week we checked the oil, pumped the throttle, turned the key and fired her up. Drove her back and repaired valve cover gasket. Cleaned it up. Drove it some. Doesn't seem to be leaking. I have a driver again.
The 78 Jeep that didn't want to start ended up being a wire to the electric fuel pump. Well, three wires spliced into one. That was replaced. Still some funkiness in the ignition switch. Still has steering loose as can be. Bought a tilt steering column. Dropped it at a buddy's shop and told him to swap it whenever he got slow this winter. Guess he stayed busy this winter. It is still sitting there. Might trailer it home and swap the column myself. I really need to sell one of these. I don't have the room to store 2, time to work on 2, money to justify on 2 Jeeps/insurance policies/license plates. Good news is I am still at a break even point on either one of them. Might even make a "little" money if I sold them. Not a ton. Good to know I shouldn't lose my butt if I sold one or both.
Here are some updated pics of the 1982 Jeep. Pulled out passenger side and passenger rear. Painted rims. Put some decent used tires on which hold air.