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TOO Weight Loss - Biggest Loser Edition


*Supporting Member*
Any of you all use - myfitnesspal ap?

My wife introduced me to it, and boy its a game changer. I like to drink beer, eat a LOT of food, etc. I am also about as competitive as a guy can be, I started using this application and I have lost 20+lbs. It allows you to put in a starting weight, goal weight, and how many calories you can take in per day.

I am a huge fan of protein shakes. i have a ninja blender and I make 2-4 shakes a day with it, these are made typically with almond milk, kale, protein, PB, etc.

Hopefully someone else will find this useful.

Time to get yoked up for summer time food plotting and wood splitting season!


Senior Member
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Central Ohio
Ive had some health issues in the past couple years. I have membranous nephropathy. Its a kidney thing that causes all of the good vitamins protiens and minerals in your body to exit via the kidneys thru urine. Medicine has helped some but the problem i'm having is I have no energy. I cant do much before I'm tired and weak. Since ive had this I have gained about 50 pounds. I'm now at 292 pounds. Most of the weight gain is in my gut, Its getting ridiculous. Ive went from 38" to 40" and now my 40" pants are getting tight. My wife is even commenting on how big I'm getting.
Any advice on how I can loose some weight without exercise? And please don't say I have to quit drinking beer. Ive cut down a lot but don't want to quit. Thanks

Great advice from everybody on this. Discipline and commitment to change is key. That commitment (for me) had to be a whole family commitment to eating better. That change for our family came through researching a condition my daughter has and gaining an understanding how the food we eat can be a root cause to so many health problems.

Check out Primal Blueprint by Mark Sisson. It was an eye opener for me.

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Staff member
Sisson's book is a life changer if you care enough to change and have the discipline to follow through. My copy is on loan to a buddy who is sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm coaching him through a 21 day keto challenge. I'd be happy to actively do that for any of my TOO brothers serious about getting healthy.
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Sisson's book is a life changer if you care enough to change and have the discipline to follow through. My copy is on loan to a buddy who is sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm coaching him through a 21 day keto challenge. I'd be happy to actively do that for any of my TOO brothers serious about getting healthy.

And if anyone needs help getting fatter I happen to be an expert in that area lol. I'm looking forward to getting into better shape after this next competition. Those walks in the Marsh are tough when you weigh 275.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Sisson's book is a life changer if you care enough to change and have the discipline to follow through. My copy is on loan to a buddy who is sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm coaching him through a 21 day keto challenge. I'd be happy to actively do that for any of my TOO brothers serious about getting healthy.

And if anyone needs help getting fatter I happen to be an expert in that area lol. I'm looking forward to getting into better shape after this next competition. Those walks in the Marsh are tough when you weigh 275.

How old are you? Have you thought long term affect of what’re you’re up to?


How old are you? Have you thought long term affect of what’re you’re up to?

I'm 30. Yes I have and I'm not too worried about it. I'm sure some think it's foolish but I would rather do something I love than be afraid of consequences. I don't drink, I don't smoke and I am in good health. I think lifting how I do is good for the soul. We live very safe comfortable lives and I think having that kind of physical struggle is good for us.


I should add that having that 500 pounds on my back and hitting that PR was one of the best feelings I've ever had. Adrenaline rushes through your body and it's a high you can't understand unless you do it.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
How old are you? Have you thought long term affect of what’re you’re up to?

I'm 30. Yes I have and I'm not too worried about it. I'm sure some think it's foolish but I would rather do something I love than be afraid of consequences. I don't drink, I don't smoke and I am in good health. I think lifting how I do is good for the soul. We live very safe comfortable lives and I think having that kind of physical struggle is good for us.

Gotcha, I have some buddies who were powerlifting for a couple decades and in their mid 40’s they’re showing it. Ones been disqualified from his military job due to knees, back and shoulder issues. The other one isn’t far behind him.
These guys started in the 90’s and probably didn’t have the knowledge available to the folks doing it these days.


Gotcha, I have some buddies who were powerlifting for a couple decades and in their mid 40’s they’re showing it. Ones been disqualified from his military job due to knees, back and shoulder issues. The other one isn’t far behind him.
These guys started in the 90’s and probably didn’t have the knowledge available to the folks doing it these days.

Yes I am training a lot better than guys used to. My dad was into it in the 80s and it was just balls to the wall Everytime you are in there. I stretch regularly which helps and I take weeks called deload weeks where I just stretch and don't touch anything over 50% of my max. I will admit I need to lose some weight and after this competition the plan is to get back down to 240.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Been going to gym still. Doing cardio. Did 5 miles yesterday. Stomach wasnt too happy from st.paddys day lol. Anyway, I was 250 last month now 235. Still eating clean and cheat couple time on weekends. Will be cutting down on beer.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Been going to gym still. Doing cardio. Did 5 miles yesterday. Stomach wasnt too happy from st.paddys day lol. Anyway, I was 250 last month now 235. Still eating clean and cheat couple time on weekends. Will be cutting down on beer.
Awesome man. Good job.
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Good work everybody. Im just trying to lean out some for summer now. I tried to gain some healthy weight over the fall and winter which was a total fail. I think i ended up gaining 2-3 lbs. Now just focusing on getting body fat back in check for no shirt season. Keep on that grind everybody. I lost 98lbs on my first real cut and have gained back around 9 in the 3 years since which hasnt been bad weight. Pictures pictures pictures. I know it might feel lame taking pictures of yourself but thats my support. Keep track of your progress not only on the scales but on camera. Many days when i felt like i had failed i would look back at how big i used to be and then look at myself currently and realize how far i had come. Sometimes i still have that mental block where i feel like im stuck then i see a picture of myself and it becomes real that im doing alot better. As far as eating its simple.....train your mind and your body will follow.......got to get your head straight and on the right track and everything else will take care of itself. I hope just one person can take some of that home and if anybody ever has a question please hit me up. Im not a nutritionist or anything but i have a ton of time invested in how to do better. No broscience just real life stuff that has worked for me. Good luck everyone and hang in there.
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I'll add to what Lackster said about pics and ironically, I was thinking about this while getting ready today. I'm focused on getting my "floating weight" to the 195-200 range, but am really struggling to get out of the 202-207 range. But... if you look at my physique today compared to a month ago when I weighed roughly the same, I look different. I'm building muscle right now and eventually, I'll cap out on the muscle and I'll break over the plateau and will shed that extra weight pretty quickly. I've seen it happen a few times when I've ramped my exercise and nutrition routines back up, so I know a breakthrough is right around the corner if I keep grinding. But having a visual reference of your progress is definitely worth having.