Nothing more you can do besides be supportive. It's up to her to keep her spirits up, nothing you say or do will accomplish that. Sounds like you guys have had a rough spot in this economy with her losing her job, and you taking a cut in pay. Things like that are hard on a couple. But at the end of the day you have to draw off each other for strength. Sounds like she let it get to her too much and just blamed you... Which is a natural reaction for a woman to do.
The decision you have to make is. If she overcomes this panic attack and comes home. Are you willing to take her back. Are you willing to deal with an emotionally unstable woman... Remember. For richer and poorer, sickness and in health. Sounds like a little poorer came yalls way and she blew up and bailed. So you want to remain with a woman who only loves you when the bank account is stuffed. Or one who loves you enough to stick by you during thick and thin, not blame you, and live life together making the best you can. While you may be in a rough spot now, things will improve, But what about when the next rough spot hits, will she do it again? These are all tough questions to answer and you'll have to look deep and hard to answer them.
Good luck in your decision man... Either on will be hard to make, and hard to live with..
Couldn't have said it any better.
Eric, I'm sorry you're going through such a tough situation right now. Sometimes in life we are given tests... in your case, this is a hard fuggin test. I don't know your wife so I don't know what the best decision is for you at this point. I do know that if my wife bailed on me like that, I don't think I'd want her back. IMO, if you were the only one working, SHE should have been the one at home cooking and cleaning... not YOU. That being said, I know how women get when they don't feel loved or supported... It's pretty damn ugly. Most women I know are just plain "wired" differently than men. They NEED someone to tell them they're appreciated and supported... whereas most guys already know these things and don't need the affirmation from their loved ones. It's a rough predicament... My wife says these things quite often. I end up getting pissed about it because I just don't understand this "need." I don't know man... women are crazy fuggin creatures.
I wish you the best of luck getting through all of this. Just take it one step at a time and stay strong, mentally. It'll all work out in the end.