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was hoping to post some new velvet bucks


Junior Member
Maumee, OH
Well I picked up a new property this year. It's about 16 acres with a nice size creek running length wise down the property line. I went out and did some work for the land owner 6 weeks ago. I put down some minerals an worked them into the ground, then set up my trail cam 4ft away from there. I know 6 weeks is a long time between camera checks, but it is a bit of a drive to this property. Anyway the other day I drove out there and as I was pulling back to the woods, I jumped about 7 deer, all does. Drove back to where I had my camera set. it's still there. I look at the mineral site, and it is tore the fuck up with a lot of big tracks too. I pull the camera and jump in the truck to check out all my pics of huge velvet bucks on my digital camera. Open the trail cam up and find that the memory card has been removed and replaced with dirt:smiley_boos: Seriously I can see some dumbass stealing a camera, but just destroying it, WTF! I was and still am pretty bummed. Don't know if I am going to be able to pick up another camera this year. I still have 2 more stands I need to buy, and already bought a bow and 2 stands so far this year. Sorry there aren't any pics with this post I just had to vent a little.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
That sucks man. Maybe you can clean the dirt out of the slot and it will still work...

If i were you i would be looking for a non-hunter on my list of suspects. Doesn't sound like something a dishonest hunter would do. They would have just stole it and used it themselves or sold it.. Or Removed the card so they don't get busted trespassing and left it at that. To me this sabotage sounds like something a non hunter would do. The cam is of no use to them, they take the card and sabotage the cam to "send a message".....

You could take the approach I did last spring when someone cut the lock on my cam and took the SD card... I went and paid a visit to every house within walking distance.. I was polite, nice and never accusing them of doing it... I simply asked if they had seen anyone around there, and asked them to keep an eye open for me... I told them I've never been one to involve the law and "It's a shame how hunting accidents happen sometimes, and I can't see that well to begin with.." They were always nice and "oh yeah yeah I'll keep an eye out" "That sucks" etc etc.. They all said "We'll, i hope you catch them.. I told them I will eventually, because i was putting wireless cams out, and if i find out who it was, gas might be expensive, but the good thing is, it doesn't take much. Wink Wink.... They just laughed....

I never accused anyone directly, was always polite, and had some good conversations.. Although i will never know which one did it, I can almost bet i talked personally to the guy that trespassed and took the card. I'm pretty sure he got the point... Which was, If I catch you, i'll either shoot you right then and there, or burn your barn down.. While they were idle threats that i would never follow through with.. He doesn't know that.. All he knows is this guy came and found him and told him with a smile what would happen if he gets caught.

So far i haven't seen a single boot print on the property that wasn't mine. :)
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Sucks Kujo. My cam was ripped off last year. The main thing is that you know there are deer there and you can work off the sign if you can't get a new cam.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Don't most cameras have a small amout of internal memory? Any chance you have a pic of the vandal?

Yes they do. Plug it in via the usb cable and see if anythings there. In my case they turned it off first though.


Senior Member
Hudson, OH
Sucks dude. Like the others have said, I would try and clean it up a bit too see if you can't get it working again. Also, I agree with Joe, don't see another hunter doing that without just taking the hole thing for their own use.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
You can try too blow it out with that canned air might just work.... let us know of the outcome.... for future reference.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sorry to hear it Kujo. I had one stolen last year. In my opinion, stealing or messing with anyones property is just wrong. Same difference to me. At least there is a chance you can still use yours. Good luck this season!


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Felt your pain today!!! Went to a new piece of property today to check cams and the one over my food plot was stolen but the other two were hidden well enough that they didnt get them.... Pisses me off, it was a new Bushnell trophy cam also!


Junior Member
Maumee, OH
Well the Truth35 doesn't have a USB port, so no photos. I used the air blower attachment on my air compressor and was able to get most of the dirt out. I can get it to record some shots. It is only recording about 50% of the shots it takes, and half of those same unidentified object????? At least I should be able to get some pics on my other properties, but it is going to miss a lot.

that sucks that your cam got stolen today! and everyone that had those issues last year.

Bright side.....There is still time too put togother my hit list!!!!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Well the Truth35 doesn't have a USB port, so no photos. I used the air blower attachment on my air compressor and was able to get most of the dirt out. I can get it to record some shots. It is only recording about 50% of the shots it takes, and half of those same unidentified object????? At least I should be able to get some pics on my other properties, but it is going to miss a lot.

that sucks that your cam got stolen today! and everyone that had those issues last year.

Bright side.....There is still time too put togother my hit list!!!!

Use a q-tip with some alcohol to clean the port also.