This is how you dispatch a coon with only 2 hits. First one is hard on top of the head to stun the animal. Then you grab them by the back feet and hoist them up bit. Then swing down the coons back and make contact just above the neck on the base of the skull. If you hit them right blood will come out an ear or both ears. Once you get it, the whole job will be much easier and quicker.
wMakes sense but a whack with a club is light out just as quick as a gun. Any follow up hits or having to step on them is unknown to them.My buddy kills his trapped coons with a .177 pellet gun. One shot point blank just above the eye line dead center of the head. More humane than a club of any kind. If it were me I'd use a .22 or .17HMR.
Wow, with how cold it got last night you still got a couple! Nice.
How bad did he squeal when he watched that process?
See, he’s even carrying a gun and wanting too shoot them
Scared for life, and would never look at you the sameYeah I took my trapping pistol so he wanted his. Figured bludgeoning one with a piece if rebar in front if a 3 year old wasn't the best route.
Holy that your buddy, “Dave” already?
I used to use a hatchet on most animals back in day at first, but after having to crush more than a couple times, i switched to 22 pistol. Way faster.I made one like that in high school shop but with two large nuts solidly welded on the end. It worked well but got a soft heart and took a .22 after thinking about it more.
I knew a trapper in Alaska who would do that, smack on bridge of nose then step on chest for a litle and that would do it. Except wolverine wich is about the toughest animal alive. He used to tell me if wolverines were the size of a bear, no one would go into the woods.Interesting. I'll try that as I've been hitting them between the ears, or if standing sideways the base of the skull. Usually once to knock them out and then a well aimed followup. It knocks them out cold but if left alone they'll regain composure.