Sure, he lowers himself a little before the hit. I see that as different than this, where a player launches himself like a weapon into a players head.
Or this.
Here's a video full of questionable targeting calls very similar to the Wade hit. Defenders lowering their shoulders/head and hitting a player NOT above the shoulders. Hell the Michigan player gets pushed into another player and gets ejected for targeting.
Bottom my opinion, the punishment doesn't fit the crime, especially if the crime is that subjective.
- Leading with helmet, shoulder forearm, fist, hand or elbow to attack with forcible contact at the head or neck area. Guilty. He did lead with the helmet and make forcible contact with the head or neck. Yes the QB dropped. But note the rule does not say "intentional contact" or give a stipulation for unintentional. It's black and white and both stipulations we're satisfied for this targeting rule.
- Lowering the head before attacking by initiating forcible contact with the crown of his helmet. Guilty. Even if the QB doesn't duck, and even if Wade hit him in the chest, he is still guilty of this targeting rule. He clearly led with the crown of the and made forcible contact with it.
If he hadn't dropped his head , he could have reacted to the ball carrier ducking.Tackler dropped his head , hit with helmet crown,targeting .Poor form
Keeping his head up allowing the ball carrier to use his head as a spear and hit the tackler in the chest? SMDH.Say he did...what would have been the appropriate reaction to the ball carrier lowering himself?
I can agree to the 4th. He lowered his head, I have to concede that. Do I think this happens on most tackles, yes. Did Wade do it, yes.
The intentional contact in Criteria 3 is something that really bothers me, and it's not just in this scenario with this player. As it is written, the hit arguably went too high. My personal opinion, I thought he hit Lawrence more in the shoulder, but whatever. There needs to be an amendment regarding intentional/unintentional contact. There's no way you can expect a defender, moving at high speed, to somehow adjust to a player dropping/ducking/moving at the last second. That's completely unreasonable if the punishment is ejection. If you want to keep it as-is, change it to 2 violations for ejection.
A 6'6" QB made himself closer to 5'10" by ducking/bracing for the contact. I guess Wade should have just gone for his knees. But how do you tackle that low without lowering your body/head? Damn, football is hard.
And look what happened after we gave them the right....We also used to only let men vote because women didn’t matter.