Been a pretty good day..
Started out by heading to talk to a guy whose land i hunt. He's a real old guy, but nice as hell and great to talk to. He'll talk your ear off with all his stories, diablo and i were there for about an hour and a half listening to stories, he showed us a pic of his basketball team from 1941 and talked about some guys from his team. It was pretty neat. Anyhow, after that the mowers got some work and tweeking done to them, then i shot my bow a little bit. Then i headed home and had a good sit down meal with the family. Thats a pretty rare ecasion with my dad working nights and brothers moved out. After that i decided to hit the pond a little bit, after a few bights i decided to trade colors of my carolina rigged worm to "liver red". Best color out there, but anyhow i get a hit and set the hook, and i knew i had a biggun on when i was reeling and my line didnt move at all. After a little fighting working the fish i got him in. This was the 2nd biggest bass of my life, close to the biggest. I didnt weigh her or measure her, i just wanted to get her back in the water, so i snapped a quick pic and released the ol girl. So right at 8 i decided to do a little scouting by my house and saw a bachelor group of 4 bucks, 1 shooter. Probly a quarter mile behind the house, if that. I didnt get any footage though. Overall it was one of the best days i've had in a while, figured i'd share.
Here's the bass: