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What's good TOO?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Phil, that's awesome! I want one!!! I keep telling my wife we should get one.

Nice camper phil! I wish we still had ours .

Thanks guys (Drake and Willy too)! Prices are falling on these guys. Drive around Indian Lake and they are for sale all over the place. Campers similar to this one we were finding for $5500-7500 in the spring. We snatched this one up for $4k. I really think we could use it 4-5yrs and get all our money back. My point is not to brag, but just to let you know there are deals out there. Plenty of people looking for the money right now and campers/boats/motorcycles/etc are the first toys to go. Hell, stocks are pretty cheap today also!rotflmao


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Been a pretty good day..

Started out by heading to talk to a guy whose land i hunt. He's a real old guy, but nice as hell and great to talk to. He'll talk your ear off with all his stories, diablo and i were there for about an hour and a half listening to stories, he showed us a pic of his basketball team from 1941 and talked about some guys from his team. It was pretty neat. Anyhow, after that the mowers got some work and tweeking done to them, then i shot my bow a little bit. Then i headed home and had a good sit down meal with the family. Thats a pretty rare ecasion with my dad working nights and brothers moved out. After that i decided to hit the pond a little bit, after a few bights i decided to trade colors of my carolina rigged worm to "liver red". Best color out there, but anyhow i get a hit and set the hook, and i knew i had a biggun on when i was reeling and my line didnt move at all. After a little fighting working the fish i got him in. This was the 2nd biggest bass of my life, close to the biggest. I didnt weigh her or measure her, i just wanted to get her back in the water, so i snapped a quick pic and released the ol girl. So right at 8 i decided to do a little scouting by my house and saw a bachelor group of 4 bucks, 1 shooter. Probly a quarter mile behind the house, if that. I didnt get any footage though. Overall it was one of the best days i've had in a while, figured i'd share.
Here's the bass:

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Thanks guys (Drake and Willy too)! Prices are falling on these guys. Drive around Indian Lake and they are for sale all over the place. Campers similar to this one we were finding for $5500-7500 in the spring. We snatched this one up for $4k. I really think we could use it 4-5yrs and get all our money back. My point is not to brag, but just to let you know there are deals out there. Plenty of people looking for the money right now and campers/boats/motorcycles/etc are the first toys to go. Hell, stocks are pretty cheap today also!rotflmao

Since we got our house sold now I told Angie we otta just get a big motor home and stay up at the sugar shed...lol...I'd do it. Don't think her and the kids would enjoy it much...lol


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Since we got our house sold now I told Angie we otta just get a big motor home and stay up at the sugar shed...lol...I'd do it. Don't think her and the kids would enjoy it much...lol

You sure you would enjoy living in a motor home with 2 kids and a woman... I think you'd be hiding in the sugar shed in a week. lol


Staff member
Hell of a fish MH! Nice work!!!

Man 'o man is it ever busier than hell around here! Work is really taking off right now, but I am managing to keep up with the demand. Had a short meeting with the "powers that be" this morning about my currents projects and it went well. We ended up talking about Moe and Captain Jack, so it was a good start to the day. Feels good to have work again and to be keeping the bosses happy!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Nice fish MH!!! Sounds like a great day.

Heading to the Hartford Fair later on the with wife & kids, can't wait!!

Hitting the woods tomorrow for a good portion of the day, again, can't wait!!

Have a good weekend Guys!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Nice fish MH!!! Sounds like a great day.

Heading to the Hartford Fair later on the with wife & kids, can't wait!!

Hitting the woods tomorrow for a good portion of the day, again, can't wait!!

Have a good weekend Guys!

Best County Fair in the State! Took my girls last night. Have fun!



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Heading to schedule my CCW course and possibly buy a new handgun today after work! If so, will surely shoot some rounds tonight!

Awesome! Like Beentown said, please do update us. Buying guns gives me a chubby. You have my number if you are on the fence about any specific models, I can possibly round one up for you to try before you buy. I have some friends with nice collections and a couple of my own you could shoot. Good pistol searching luck to you sir!

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
Awesome! Like Beentown said, please do update us. Buying guns gives me a chubby. You have my number if you are on the fence about any specific models, I can possibly round one up for you to try before you buy. I have some friends with nice collections and a couple of my own you could shoot. Good pistol searching luck to you sir!

Thanks Phil, I will keep that in mind. I will probalby end up with either a Glock 26 or a Kahr9 before the weekend is out. I've shot a ton over the last few weeks, and these were two of the smaller ones that I was comfortable with and fit my hand pretty well.

My cousin is heaidng up for a Kahr9 tonight, i'm riding up with him and hoping to get my hands on a few different ones. Guy he knows on the way has a Glock 26 for sale, so I'm going to stop and check that out as well.

I will keep everyone posted, I've never been much into pistols, but I think I've obtained a new disease! :pickle:


Senior Member
The final food plot # 6 will be going in tonight and tomorrow, then they are forecasting rain Sat night and Sunday so that's good.