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2019-nCoV (Coronavirus)


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
True story....we are getting ready to vacation in Mexico, so we are all gearing up for testing and what not. Get a little side tracked discussing vaccination status of the group and my sister, who is a practicing ER doc in the Cincinatti area, shares that they had a patient this week who had COVID months ago, then both doses of the Phizer vaccine, presented to the ER with symptoms and is positive again!
I posted this same situation about my brother a week or so ago.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
True story....we are getting ready to vacation in Mexico, so we are all gearing up for testing and what not. Get a little side tracked discussing vaccination status of the group and my sister, who is a practicing ER doc in the Cincinatti area, shares that they had a patient this week who had COVID months ago, then both doses of the Phizer vaccine, presented to the ER with symptoms and is positive again!
I'm not following Scott. Are you surprised by this? Or just sharing what we've already heard?

It WILL keep changing. We will keep learning more. I am afraid the more we learn, the less we know.


Well-Known Member
I'm not following Scott. Are you surprised by this? Or just sharing what we've already heard?

It WILL keep changing. We will keep learning more. I am afraid the more we learn, the less we know.
Yes, surprised to some degree. I haven't heard of many instances of getting it twice. Add in the vaccine and I'd say there are really crushing the odds.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yes, surprised to some degree. I haven't heard of many instances of getting it twice. Add in the vaccine and I'd say there are really crushing the odds.

The issue is the lack of testing and undiagnosed infections among the vaccinated population. In instances where vaccinated people are required to be tested on a schedule such as for work, the rate of infection appears pretty prevalent from what I've seen. Usually, they are completely asymptomatic though. This kind of busts the myth that vaccinated people are only minorly contagious if at all theory though. Also, To bust both immunity barriers of natural and lab induced is pretty concerning though.
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Well-Known Member
The issue is the lack of testing and undiagnosed infections among the vaccinated population. In instances where vaccinated people are required to be tested on a schedule such as for work, the rate of infection appears pretty prevalent from what I've seen. Usually, they are completely asymptomatic though. This kind of busts the myth that vaccinated people are only minorly contagious if at all theory though. Also, To bust both immunity barriers of natural and lab induced is pretty concerning though.
With the exception of the one criuseship and one of the MLB teams, I don't recall hearing much about scores of breakthrough cases. International travel requires a negative test to re-enter. I would think you would be hearing about people getting stuck abroad. My luck it will be me though.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
With the exception of the one criuseship and one of the MLB teams, I don't recall hearing much about scores of breakthrough cases. International travel requires a negative test to re-enter. I would think you would be hearing about people getting stuck abroad. My luck it will be me though.

It happening, and our media letting us to hear about it, are two different things. There are articles out there, not many are covered by our big media outlets. I pasted a couple below from a quick search. The bolding isn't me it just copied that way.

John Rham
Chris Paul
Gleyber Torres

Unnamed American track and field athlete, another person attending the U.S. Olympic team trials in Eugene, Ore., and two members of the Ugandan Olympic delegation traveling to Tokyo for a pre-Games training camp.

Two passengers test positive for COVID on Celebrity Millennium 'fully vaccinated' cruise

Nearly 4,000 Breakthrough COVID Infections Have Now Been Reported in Mass.

Here is a prison study that was done

Among the 4638 persons who were tested during the study period, 2380 who had received at least one dose of a SARS-CoV-2 vaccine were included in the analysis (Figure 1). Of these persons, 27 (1.13%) had positive results for SARS-CoV-2. Of the 8847 tests that were administered to incarcerated persons during the study period, 20 (0.22%; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.14 to 0.36) were positive. Among 4140 tests administered to staff members who had been vaccinated, positive results were obtained on 7 tests (0.17%; 95% CI, 0.16 to 0.18). The incidence of positive tests per person tested was 20 of 1539 (1.3%; 95% CI, 0.8 to 2.0) among incarcerated persons and 7 of 841 (0.8%; 95% CI, 0.3 to 1.7) among staff members. All the cases of Covid-19 were asymptomatic.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yes, surprised to some degree. I haven't heard of many instances of getting it twice. Add in the vaccine and I'd say there are really crushing the odds.
I really try to avoid the news. I try to avoid major media. I try not to believe much of anything I hear now. I've heard of plenty of instances. I just never took the effort to confirm whether true or not. Because. . . .how do you trust which ones are telling the truth and which "fact checkers" are fake? It's a shitty place for our country to be. I can't say I'm shocked. As stated before: we are still learning. The more we learn, the less we seem to know. It is as if they've filled our heads (both sides of the argument) with so much info and so many outcomes, we just don't know what to believe.


Senior Member
we know what to believe, Phil. we have been manipulated into ignoring our own intuition and sensibilities about most everything, especially covid19. to deny what our eyes and ears are telling us in favor of what the television and internet tells you. question everything that is questionable. outright lies abound in the world of politics and media and have for a good while now. forget woke, just wake up. everywhere I look I see people afraid to trust their own judgement for fear of being castigated or labeled. paralyzed.
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Supporting Member
Ross County

IMHO, if you were to read 'THE NAKED COMMUNIST' by W. Cleon Skousen, you will have a much better understanding of what the heck is happening in our country today. I posted the book and additional information regarding it in the

The TOO Book Club

In that post, there is a video that gives a brief overview about the book, the writer and some of the listed goals of those that wish to bring down our country, which is exactly happening whether you wish to believe it or not.

The 'critical race theory' bullshit being feed to young children is all part of the goals of Communists/Marxists that wish to destroy America from within.


I absolutely love my country and what she stands for. It brakes my heart completely seeing what is happening in the general public today, which is something I did not quite think would happen within my lifetime. We are literally at war people, just not a kenotic one just yet. I pray for our country everyday, hoping that she will find her way back to the true American values that most within her treasured and fought for.

I try to stay away from this thread cause it does nothing but piss me off. It is my belief that China deliberately released the synthetic CV agent causing millions to loose their lives. China needs to be put back to the stone ages for good reason IMO.


Well-Known Member
we know what to believe, Phil. we have been manipulated into ignoring our own intuition and sensibilities about most everything, especially covid19. to deny what our eyes and ears are telling us in favor of what the television and internet tells you. question everything that is questionable. outright lies abound in the world of politics and media and have for a good while now. forget woke, just wake up. everywhere I look I see people afraid to trust their own judgement for fear of being castigated or labeled. paralyzed.
But we all see things differently. Whether you are talking about seeing things through the eyes of a small bussiness owner, or the eyes of someone who is compramised because they are going through chemo, or the eyes of a teenager, etc. We all have different priorities and experiences that shape us. This country has become so devisive that you can't even have a conversation without people turning to personal attacks. It's really sad.


Supporting Member
Ross County
Incase anyone plans on traveling via airlines anytime soon, which sucks royally IMO:

Dear Customer,
Please note that airlines have the below policies in effect for travel, additionally please ensure you check on the requirements of countries you are connecting through as well as your final destination for their entry requirements.
** Failure to comply with an airline policy will result in denied boarding or other measures the airline may take to ensure compliance with their policies and your ticket will be nonrefundable**

** Failure to comply with country entry requirements can result in denied entry, you may be returned to your country origin and your ticket will be nonrefundable.
Airline boarding requirements:
  • Mandatory COVID-19 medical test within 72 hours prior to flight departure and test results must be Negative.​
  • Passengers must be prepared to show proof of the test and negative at the airport.​
  • Passengers may also be required to quarantine themselves, upon arrival, for up to 14-days​
  • Face covering requirement during travel​
Countries you are connecting through and as well as your destination entry requirements:
All U.S. based passengers can check the link below for latest travel updates:
For all passengers, please contact the consulate or visit the consulate website for latest updates.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
But we all see things differently. Whether you are talking about seeing things through the eyes of a small bussiness owner, or the eyes of someone who is compramised because they are going through chemo, or the eyes of a teenager, etc. We all have different priorities and experiences that shape us. This country has become so devisive that you can't even have a conversation without people turning to personal attacks. It's really sad.

Absolutely and sadly that is being manipulated. People naturally have the desire to believe what they need to believe based on their situation and ignore everything contrary to that. That's a natural human reaction where hope becomes a belief. Everyone, no matter their view on life should always try to apply reason or logic. Sadly this is lost on a large portion of Americans. We no longer teach people how to think but rather what to think.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Incase anyone plans on traveling via airlines anytime soon, which sucks royally IMO:

Dear Customer,
Please note that airlines have the below policies in effect for travel, additionally please ensure you check on the requirements of countries you are connecting through as well as your final destination for their entry requirements.
** Failure to comply with an airline policy will result in denied boarding or other measures the airline may take to ensure compliance with their policies and your ticket will be nonrefundable**

** Failure to comply with country entry requirements can result in denied entry, you may be returned to your country origin and your ticket will be nonrefundable.
Airline boarding requirements:
  • Mandatory COVID-19 medical test within 72 hours prior to flight departure and test results must be Negative.​
  • Passengers must be prepared to show proof of the test and negative at the airport.​
  • Passengers may also be required to quarantine themselves, upon arrival, for up to 14-days​
  • Face covering requirement during travel​
Countries you are connecting through and as well as your destination entry requirements:
All U.S. based passengers can check the link below for latest travel updates:
For all passengers, please contact the consulate or visit the consulate website for latest updates.

This is only for international travel though. Well, for now anyway.
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Absolutely and sadly that is being manipulated. People naturally have the desire to believe what they need to believe based on their situation and ignore everything contrary to that. That's a natural human reaction where hope becomes a belief. Everyone, no matter their view on life should always try to apply reason or logic. Sadly this is lost on a large portion of Americans. We no longer teach people how to think but rather what to think.

Yes sir - theres always the other side of the coin -

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Incase anyone plans on traveling via airlines anytime soon, which sucks royally IMO:

Dear Customer,
Please note that airlines have the below policies in effect for travel, additionally please ensure you check on the requirements of countries you are connecting through as well as your final destination for their entry requirements.
** Failure to comply with an airline policy will result in denied boarding or other measures the airline may take to ensure compliance with their policies and your ticket will be nonrefundable**

** Failure to comply with country entry requirements can result in denied entry, you may be returned to your country origin and your ticket will be nonrefundable.
Airline boarding requirements:
  • Mandatory COVID-19 medical test within 72 hours prior to flight departure and test results must be Negative.​
  • Passengers must be prepared to show proof of the test and negative at the airport.​
  • Passengers may also be required to quarantine themselves, upon arrival, for up to 14-days​
  • Face covering requirement during travel​
Countries you are connecting through and as well as your destination entry requirements:
All U.S. based passengers can check the link below for latest travel updates:
For all passengers, please contact the consulate or visit the consulate website for latest updates.