When I purchased the new Tactacam Reveal X last week, I also purchased a brand new Wildgame Innovations Mirage 22 model trail camera with a security box to replace an older Wildgame model camera that was slowly starting to fail, not flashing quite bright enough during the dark hours to get a decent quality nighttime image.
Well, when I received that brand new Wildgame Mirage 22 camera earlier in the week, it was a complete failure right out of the box. Would not power up. So, I returned it back to Amazon and received another brand new replacement
(same brand & model) the very next day. That one appeared to work just fine in my workshop when I configured it. I then installed it with the brand new security Locbox at one of my hunting setups nearest to my home.
Within the past three days, I've had nothing but problems with that freaking camera, from not taking any photos at all to not being able to shut the damn thing off, and/or being able to change any configuration options.
So, fuck it!
I just pulled that piece shit camera back out of the woods, boxed it back up along with the new security Locbox that fits that model as well. Both will be shipped back to Amazon today.
As a replacement for that location, I just purchased my very second wireless cell cam, the Tactacam Reveal XB model with the solar panel.
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Should receive the camera tomorrow and the security Locbox for it should be here next week.
Now I wished I did that the first go around, however my original thinking was that I really didn't need a wireless camera for that hunting setup because it's the closets one to my house.
Anyhow, now I'll have two Tactacam Reveal trail cameras within my arsenal, which will up my overall trail camera total to seven in a half. The half is the WIldgame that is failing to flash and will be configured for daylight only once I have the new Tactacam Reveal XB installed.
Going forward, if any of my other older trail cameras happen to fail in the future, they'll be replaced with the new Tactacam Reveals or the latest model equivalent.