Finally made it deer tag filled but had a blast trying. It is just alot of fun hunting out west..makes hunting here seem boring. Lol
Saw plenty of antelope and my buddy filled his tag but the deer were alot tougher..had several opportunities on some bucks but held out for 3 or 4 that were really nice. Came really close one morning while sitting in a big draw..had 3 come across the top and drop down a trail by me..had him at 30 yards but needed him to go about 3 yards to clear a cedar tree, then had a big doe slip in on top of me about 4 steps from me and she blew.. Game over. My buddy hit one on Friday but the wind was really blowing and hit him through the back leg. We saw him that evening and the next day feeding with other bucks. Will photo bomb you guys with some more pictures. I will say it again what a blast it is to hunt out west. #iliveinthewrongstate.