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LIVE! From the Stand 2022-2023 Edition


Active Member
Keene, OH
Jesse you can delete the entire thing, I'll remove it, I hadn't posted it because it was graphic but that doe was dead before her body hit the ground.

Was gonna make a comment that she was using fawns as venison sheilds.

I saved her skull as that slug entered her right cheek and exited low thru the back of her skull and I wanted to show my niece the cleaned up skull as we examined her head as we butched her. She was 100% dead as the slug exited.

That kicking is her muscles spasm, its tough to see, I understand your gut reaction. We've all put an arrow or bullet thru the vitals, 'dead deer running' this time her brain quit functioning long before her bodies muscles quit.

I was planning on posting up the cleaned skull this spring with that video, still will. Hate to be the cause of hunter on hunter angst,certainly not my intent nor 'marksmanship' claim just adding to Sawgunners post on head shots.

EndIf 'Drama'.
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Jesse you can delete the entire thing, I'll remove it, I hadn't posted it because it was graphic but that doe was dead before her body hit the ground.

Was gonna make a comment that she was using fawns as venison sheilds.

I saved her skull as that slug entered her right cheek and exited low in the back of her skull. 100% dead as the slug exited.
We didn't watch the same video because dead deer don't flail around on the ground. Dying deer do that.
Finally poked me a good doe this morning. Found out a couple weeks ago that I'm loosing this property that I have been hunting since 2007. Hard to see it go but I'm gonna try to take some meat off of it over the next couple weeks. The old hoyt did good work today!


Active Member
Keene, OH
We didn't watch the same video because dead deer don't flail around on the ground. Dying deer do that.
I'll clean up the skull post it up and put a vote on it. Dead/not dead when the slug exited her head.

No worries here. I had two more rounds in the 11/87 at 27 yards. If I had any thought she was capable of suffering after the first shot I'd of ended it.

For others that might not know in this thread- I taught hunter education in 3 states, CO, NH and FL, I usually taught the ethics segment as I believe in the ethos. This is only to provide a counter weight to the accusations above.

Muzzle loading season 2018 or so, Dean shoots a button buck, we track it in the semi snow after the shot, he was a new hunter at 62. We walk up its bedded and looking at us, I shoot it in the head at ~20yds.
Its death throws were exactly similar. Dean implored me to shoot it again, it really shook him up, when we got to it there was nothing of the brain or skull above the eyes.

This will come back around when I get the skull cleaned up.
We didn't watch the same video because dead deer don't flail around on the ground. Dying deer do that.
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Staff member
Post whatever pics and counter weights you want. Head shots on deer are unethical. Plain and simple. Nothing you can say will change my mind. It's a shitty look and while I do appreciate you removing the video, my judgement has been cast.


Active Member
Keene, OH
@bowhunter1023 gotcha.

Letting a suffering animal suffer.


Headshots are unethical

Two different arguments, changing the basis of the argument is a strawman logical fallacy. I removed the video at your reqest which I respect. It'll probally be turkey season before I can unthaw adn clean it. My last word until I can post it. Maybe a thread on the ethics of headshots. neckshots on deer?



Staff member
@bowhunter1023 not to add fuel to the fire but why are headshots unethical in your opinion on deer? What makes it any different for any other mammal? Or fish? Or humans?
Are we seriously talking about shooting humans to justify our actions in the deer woods? WTF is wrong with you?

Simple: A 2" miss center mass in the vitals is lethal. A 2" miss in the ear hole is a maimed deer. It's the margin for error (or the lack thereof in this case) that makes it unethical IMO.

Look, if the sadists in the crowd need to feel tough and head shots are what get your rocks off, you do you. But don't bring that stuff here and act like it's common practice amongst the sportsmen on this forum.


Active Member
Salesville ohio
Are we seriously talking about shooting humans to justify our actions in the deer woods? WTF is wrong with you?

Simple: A 2" miss center mass in the vitals is lethal. A 2" miss in the ear hole is a maimed deer. It's the margin for error (or the lack thereof in this case) that makes it unethical IMO.

Look, if the sadists in the crowd need to feel tough and head shots are what get your rocks off, you do you. But don't bring that stuff here and act like it's common practice amongst the sportsmen on this forum.
I’m not trying to justify anything. I was just asking you a simple question buddy. Any shot you make could be a maimed deer. Whether it be with a broadhead or a bullet. I’m not trying to argue with you, I just wanted your view point. That’s all!
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Yes, any shot we take can result in a maimed animal. That's not really the point, however. If it was, then the simple answer is to never shoot at an animal and since we're all in the business of shooting at animals, that's one risk we're willing to take.

To me, being an ethical hunter means taking risk mitigation to the extreme. An ethical hunter eliminates all the variables they can control in an effort to dispatch their prey in an effective manner, repeatedly. Minimizing the lethal impact area of your projectile from a basketball to a golf ball, is counter to the previous statement. Outside of some extreme outlying circumstances, there's no ethical reason to take a head shot on a deer, and most big game for that matter.

Got to see the video! That ol girl was lights out. IMO can’t really complain about shot placement when the deer didn’t go six feet..

I would expect that endorsement from Florida man. 🤷‍♂️

I'm done beating this horse for the night. There will be future convos on the matter and I'll be happy to dig in again another day. In the meantime, it's pretty apparent where I stand on the topic.


Active Member
Salesville ohio
Yes, any shot we take can result in a maimed animal. That's not really the point, however. If it was, then the simple answer is to never shoot at an animal and since we're all in the business of shooting at animals, that's one risk we're willing to take.

To me, being an ethical hunter means taking risk mitigation to the extreme. An ethical hunter eliminates all the variables they can control in an effort to dispatch their prey in an effective manner, repeatedly. Minimizing the lethal impact area of your projectile from a basketball to a golf ball, is counter to the previous statement. Outside of some extreme outlying circumstances, there's no ethical reason to take a head shot on a deer, and most big game for that matter.

I would expect that endorsement from Florida man. 🤷‍♂️

I'm done beating this horse for the night. There will be future convos on the matter and I'll be happy to dig in again another day. In the meantime, it's pretty apparent where I stand on the topic.
Thank you for your opinion brotha! I appreciate your insight! No hard feelings whatsoever.


Active Member
What the heck goes on in here , thought I was signed into AT for a minute 😬. Congrats to those who had success today. I didn't make it out unfortunately ended up getting the plow tractor ready and the blower since I put it off to long. Hoping to get out tomorrow for another good doe , best of luck everyone!
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Athens County
Since I'm the guy who took the head shot ill put in my 2 cents.

Nothing about killing a deer is ever a sure thing..it's about chance, luck, equipment, preparedness, skill etc. Where it comes to skill, I can honestly say I feel more comfortable hitting a baseball sized target at 75 yards with a rifle than a basketball sized target at say 40 yards with a bow. Especially with this rifle, I'm comfortable with the AR platform, this round, and Ive scoped this rifle close to this distance with groups covering a 50 cent piece. This particular shot I used a monopod for bracing. The deer was stationary, I didn't have much doubt if any.
We've all took chances (distance, quartering, skill) and pushed limits, we've all missed, we've all taken follow up shots, and I'd venture a guess we've all lost a wounded animal. Are we all unethical? Of course not.
Putting a rifle bullet through an animal is quite different than a broadhead. It creates a hell of a shockwave and carrys unimaginable energy. Rifles are just more forgiving imo. A well placed round in the brain cavity will drop an animal instantaneous as it did in my case. Through the ear and out the chin.
Now, having said all of that, I don't recommend it, I would never encourage it as a common practice and I sure wouldn't teach it. But it's not illegal or in my opinion unethical. It is possible to put down a deer in a matter of seconds which we can all can agree is the goal and the ethical thing to do.....and it's possible to do so with a shot to the head. So it's not the head shot that is in question, but rather the degree of chance associated with taking the shot. If it wasn’t a viable option, an overwhelming percentage of suicides would be center mass shots. We are ALL on that continuum of chance when we send one down range.
Everyone has an opinion and if you disagree with me you are no more wrong than I am right. It's a healthy debate and I am certainly no expert.
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