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Food, what are you eating?

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I had a conversation a couple days ago with some family about fasting, our poisonous corrupt food supply, etc. I did mot breach the subject, they did by asking me about seed oils and beef tallow. By the time the conversation was winding down their eyes were glazing over looking at me like I had three fucking heads. Wasted my breath for 45 minutes. It is truly sad how misinformed, brainwashed and conditioned we are as a society about how and what to eat. I’ve kinda always known this a little bit. The more I learn the sadder and angrier I get. I won’t be having any more conversations like that. I will only direct people to the information to figure it out for themselves.
Been there. I think the anger comes from a false belief that someone was looking out for our well being when they allowed this crap to be labeled as food. It isn’t.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I applaud you guys for your discipline. I'm with Joe. I like my cookies and brownies and garbage way too much. Bread too. Where does Skoal fit into these diets? If I don't give it all up, will it matter?

Best if I don't type much here today. At the James with my mom. Last time I was here was for my dad's brain cancer. Feeling pretty cynical. All these appointments skew a person's thoughts about a lot of things.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I applaud you guys for your discipline. I'm with Joe. I like my cookies and brownies and garbage way too much. Bread too. Where does Skoal fit into these diets? If I don't give it all up, will it matter?

Best if I don't type much here today. At the James with my mom. Last time I was here was for my dad's brain cancer. Feeling pretty cynical. All these appointments skew a person's thoughts about a lot of things.
Everyone needs to walk their own path. Probably going to ramble a bit (I know you're all shocked).

My journey is similar to many on here. Work a job, but feel more connected and mentally refreshed when reconnecting to an "older" lifestyle. I enjoy gardening and my chickens and other similar activities. Not because I want to be a cool granola muncher (I do drive a subaru though). I prefer the vegetables i grow and the simplicity of providing things for myself. There are some great thoughts on this in Michael Easter's book the comfort crisis thatI love and I try to read it regularly. Then similar thoughts in other books by Dr Grundry, or Dr Fung and other health/better yourself books that I read to try to get this to implement in my life. I don't do something from all of them but try to find reoccurring concepts that I can implement.

This lead me into thinking more about simpler less prepared and processed foods and the health implications. This photo got me started

What has changed from that photo to today when we have a SELF Reported Obesity map of this


A few well timed conversations with some on here pushed me down a few rabbit holes. I don't agree with all the Dr Gundry books I've read, but I like some of his points and am trying to use them.

Where do you sit on the "give a 💩 " meter when it comes to this aspect of your health? Some of our friends are trying like hell to make large changes and are seeing the results after seeing things that they didn't like in their health. I'm happy with my slow few lbs and week slide down the scale. Maybe you don't have anything that you want to change right now and that's fine too. You mentioned skoal, I know there's a thread about that somewhere in here but no pressure to quit unless you feel the need imo.

As to feeling cynical due to being surrounded by cancer diagnoses I totally get it. Here's my take and it's worth exactly what you paid for it and it's all my opinions. I have a more sedentary job than you and have noticed a decline in my health and wasn't happywith it even though compared to most I was doing well. First I want to make these changes so that whatever time i have before I have any major life changing health concerns as long and trouble free as possible. I want the greatest quality for whatever time I'm blessed with on this rock. Secondly I am greedy and selfish and want as much time with my kids as I can squeeze out. So if i can get more quality time with them due to these changes so much the better.

No hard feelings and no attempt to force you to follow my path.... just explaining my path


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I applaud you guys for your discipline. I'm with Joe. I like my cookies and brownies and garbage way too much. Bread too. Where does Skoal fit into these diets? If I don't give it all up, will it matter?

Best if I don't type much here today. At the James with my mom. Last time I was here was for my dad's brain cancer. Feeling pretty cynical. All these appointments skew a person's thoughts about a lot of things.
Any improvement is still an improvement …. Make a few changes initially, then you’ll see some progress and then a few more things. Slow and steady wins the race….


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I just realized I haven't needed my antacid (omeprazole over the counter) at allsince I restarted my intermittent fasting and eating focused on more "traditional " foods.

Oh and to Joe and Phil I still enjoy my coffee in the morning, now with a mct creamer and have an energy drink at lunch (Celsius or the like because i don't like coffee after mid morning) and I don't want the volume of the diet pops (only 20oz or bigger) they sell in the cafeteria.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Day 2.. My body is in the sickly feeling "eww whats this bullshit" phase. Been there before, it'll pass.

large salad for lunch with smoked uncured ham as a protein, quality EVOO and Baalsamic vinaigrette as a dressing.

Dinner blackened grouper from the gulf in kerigold butter, grilled zukini and green beans.


Black Hat Cajun
Supporting Member
Our household has just started cutting out the shit. Like Joe, I am a shit food junkie. Gas station roller dogs, if it ain’t fried it ain’t worth eatin’, bread is just another condiment mentality. I eat mostly foods that I can sop up the remnants with a couple pieces of white bread. For the last week we have had zero bread. All foods have been simple ingredients for the most part. Still getting rid of a few items here and there in the cabinets that we now refer to as the devils food. We are not 100% yet but getting closer. Have also cut way back on the lattes. Only issue so far is my sleep is shit. It seems to have kickstarted my run away mind.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I’m sticking to eating in a 5 hour window daily drinking nothing but coffee and water in the 19 hour span. I’m down 12 pounds so far. I’ve eaten a few carbs in form of croutons on my salads and sugar in a few praline pecans and salad dressing. I think most weight loss is just due me not eating as much but hoping I’m burning off some of this stored fat in my midriff area. 😆


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Our household has just started cutting out the shit. Like Joe, I am a shit food junkie. Gas station roller dogs, if it ain’t fried it ain’t worth eatin’, bread is just another condiment mentality. I eat mostly foods that I can sop up the remnants with a couple pieces of white bread. For the last week we have had zero bread. All foods have been simple ingredients for the most part. Still getting rid of a few items here and there in the cabinets that we now refer to as the devils food. We are not 100% yet but getting closer. Have also cut way back on the lattes. Only issue so far is my sleep is shit. It seems to have kickstarted my run away mind.
I fought that runaway mind like crazy.
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