try walking into your stand before daylight have the buck i couldnt get close enough the other come in while your watching turkeys come in from my left , when i turned back to watch the clear cut there he stood 20 yards staring dead at me caught my movement and he was off like a prom dress
farm deer would have a hole in the ear , all pen raised deer have to have an ear tag , i can tell if it has a hole in the ear or not , it was posted on one of the face book groups im a part of , waiting on them to post story with it
my prayers are still with you and your family , loss is never easy , and anything we can do now to make it easier afterwards helps a great deal so the healing process can begin as soon as possible
sitting in my stand the other evening , i watch a nice buck come in and make scrapes about every 40 to 50 yards along the woodsline that borders a corn field . the scrape line is inside the woods about 30 yards from the field , now this scrape line follows the woods line from where the woods...
had a doe follow my scent line this morning then another one then 3 more seen 11 all together and all of them followed my scent line from where i drug a scent pad this morning past the corn , i think i found where the does are coming out of the corn field , so if the corn stays on into the rut...
my biggest python was just over 16 feet actually she was 16 foot 8 inchs , and would eat 5 full grown feeder rabbits in one sitting , the rabbits would weigh in about 6 to 7 pounds , when i had kids i got rid of all my snakes