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It's on... Rut stories


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Just talked with Milo. He was covered up with deer this AM and missed a shot on a deer he said looked like Tank 2.. He's heading back out here soon.


*Supporting Member*
Byesville, Ohio
seen a decent 8 point this morning tailing a doe, he wasnt pushing her, just following her about 15 yards behind, she stops, he stops, he went on the wrong side of a crabapple tree or he wouldnt have been following anymore, lol, the doe wasnt the least bit interested in him and still had a yearling with her.
had a doe follow my scent line this morning then another one then 3 more seen 11 all together and all of them followed my scent line from where i drug a scent pad this morning past the corn , i think i found where the does are coming out of the corn field , so if the corn stays on into the rut ill have a good idea on where the does will be , this is the same spot i had a good buck the other evening come in but wouldnt come in past 40 yards and when he did he winded me , had two tom turkeys come in to 20 yards but couldnt draw on them cause i was at eye level with them tearing my climber down , but couldnt get any of the does to come in close neough for a shot , but there was a good size doe that i decided to put on a hit list but no bucks this morning
Just got a text from my buddy in Guernsey Cnty. A guy directly across the road from where we hunt killed a big 10pt at 11:30.....no doe in sight, all alone. guessed it to be around 140". It was the only deer he saw all morning. My buddy hasnt seen shit!!!!


Junior Member
Dayton, Ohio
The word on the street is it was supposed to be a tight compact rut this year. I will say this... If Alshiemer and the Drurys are right with their moon theory this year, I'm sold on it from here on out. This is the strangest two week stretch of hunting I have ever had. Where I am headed tonight, if I don't see deer, then there wasn't a deer to move on a near 40 acre chunk of ground. If it is that dead on a cold November 5th day, I'm either cursed, someone is fuggin' with me, or I'm the worst hunter ever...

That. Or there is something to this whole "rutting moon" stuff...

I hunted my place yesterday morning from 7:30-11am and then again from 3pm-6:56pm and only saw 4 doe in close to 8 hours on stand. So far the best movement I have seen has been the last weeke in October when my father took his buck. Lots of deer movement that weekend. I'm going to stay around close to home and hunt a 90 acre property 20 min from the house. Buddy saw a giant on his feet yesterday at 11am in the middle of a crp field. Maybe I will have more luck around here. We'll see........

Last year halloween weekend through the first weekend of October was HOT. Not so much this year.

A 190" buck was taken on the same road as my farm, just down about 3/4 mile. It's all about being at the right place at the right time. I haven't been lucky yet.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Well what a bust today was, don't get me wrong I enjoyed being out ... All 8.5 hours of it, couldn't go any more.... Back, legs and neck was all twisted up.... Got down and hobbled too the truck... Busted a flock of turkeys close too the truck and that was it for the day.... If the rut is on the deer around here musta missed the memo.... lmao..... Don't know if I'm heading out in the morning, might sleep in (first time in 10 days) and head out for a late morning all afternoon hunt... We'll see what the body tells me in the morning... In the meam time a coup[le of Yuenglings are going too get dropped this afternoon :smiley_clap:..... I've got a nother post about what happened this morning don't want too sidetrack this thread with it....


*Supporting Member*
Ugghhh. This rut is a turd. Still no shots on a deer in 5 hunts. Gonna head out now. Man am I hoping to see something. At this point, I'll shoot a fork horn.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well what a bust today was, don't get me wrong I enjoyed being out ... All 8.5 hours of it, couldn't go any more.... Back, legs and neck was all twisted up.... Got down and hobbled too the truck... Busted a flock of turkeys close too the truck and that was it for the day.... If the rut is on the deer around here musta missed the memo.... lmao..... Don't know if I'm heading out in the morning, might sleep in (first time in 10 days) and head out for a late morning all afternoon hunt... We'll see what the body tells me in the morning... In the meam time a coup[le of Yuenglings are going too get dropped this afternoon :smiley_clap:..... I've got a nother post about what happened this morning don't want too sidetrack this thread with it....

Don't forget the time change tonight. that might make your body tell you "no" also.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ugghhh. This rut is a turd. Still no shots on a deer in 5 hunts. Gonna head out now. Man am I hoping to see something. At this point, I'll shoot a fork horn.

It's early yet, man... stay patient.

I watched a 6-pointer push some does around tonight for about an hour. They didn't want anything to do with him. Hang tight, boys... it's gonna get crazy by the time next weekend rolls around.


Senior Member
I am locked in with Monday and Tuesday being my hunting vacation days.. hopefully my morning buck sightings stays good.. just need the 120"s to turn into 160"s :)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Watched 2 does come up out of the thick stuff behind me and hit the cut corn about 50 yards to my front. they fed around for about 20 min and then hauled ass back towards me into the woods... Then I saw him.. A dink 5pt running right at them from 100 yards away... He was coming over the hill and I could see him against the sunset... goofy thing.. He dogged the does around behind me for a good 10 minutes. Up, back, and around. Which attracted the attention of a 10 pt who came jogging down the hill. He sniffed around for a bit at 30 while i made my mind up.. 3-4 inch brows. 6 inch G2s.. good mass.. nahhh gonna let him walk.. He made a scrape and the 5pt came back up the hill.. The 10 smelled where the does had gone in the thick stuff and lost interest.. He went on up the hill and out into the field.


Senior Member
Hunted this am.Head a long low grunt and a chase to my right while it was still dark. 20 min later a 125 inch 9pt came strolling through at 30 yards. A little later a 100 in 8pt came through cruising. around 9 I had another small 8 running through the woods infront of me. He didn't seem spooked because he would stop every 30 yards and walk for 5 feet he was just excited I guess


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I plastered one property with trail cams last week. It is a property that "should" have some big boys hanging out. I have not found them this year. I covered the place with 6 cameras last week. Checked the images and they were full of young bucks. While it was disappointing for the property, it tells me things are about to kick off.

Hunted my other main property tonight. One button buck and a set of twin fawns came in early and fed for over an hour. Other than watching them I had nothing until last light when a huge bodied/tiny racked buck came in. Overall, pretty slow for this property. Changed out one camera card on my way to the stand. Activity was fairly slow. One shooter came in last night around midnight. Other than him, a few small bucks came through and the usual does/fawns. Just not quite seeing the rut kicking in yet, but I think we are close!


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Southeast Ohio
Hunting with dad today and tomorrow. Saw six this morning. Had a young nine come through with his nose to the ground grunting, he rubbed a few trees and made a scrape. An hour later him and a six point came pushing four does off the hill grunting and chasing them around.