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  1. teenbowhunter

    Formerly “teen”bowhunter’s 2019 season

    I knew I hadn’t tucked it close enough to the shoulder. My new bow never settles in as fast as my old one and isn’t as natural or confident. The second I had it on vitals I’d released instead of trying to tuck it forward. The arrow was brown, but the blood was phenomenal. Terry thought the bull...
  2. teenbowhunter

    Formerly “teen”bowhunter’s 2019 season

    He trotted off to 50 yards through the trees, I slowly side stepped to draw back. Just as I tried to draw he ran off to 90 yards on the other side of the creek. I should have taken it slow but I practically jogged to try and get another shot. I got to 50 yards but he was around so much brush I...
  3. teenbowhunter

    Formerly “teen”bowhunter’s 2019 season

    Mid-day 1: About 2.5 minutes into my nap I heart a rock thud and jumped up. A guy was walking up behind me. Having not seen anybody I was thinking where in the hell did this chump come from. He had hiked in to the very peak of the mountain and slept in a little crevice. He’d watched my stalk...
  4. teenbowhunter

    Formerly “teen”bowhunter’s 2019 season

    Morning 1: I was up in the highest basin, the plan was to wake up and glass with binoculars to locate deer in the early morning. If I saw anything with antlers I would stalk in and try to shoot it. Once the mid-day heat hit the plan was to head down into the canyon and find an elk wallow to sit...
  5. teenbowhunter

    Formerly “teen”bowhunter’s 2019 season

    Didn’t post too many stories from last year so I will try to be better this year. Oregon’s season started on Saturday, August 24 so I headed out for a four day trip to a wilderness area. Started the six hour drive Friday morning and got there around 3 pm. The area is only 6 miles across so I...
  6. teenbowhunter

    The Hunting Public

    Love watching them. One of the few shows where I really get happy for the guys success. Goofy dudes who get it done
  7. teenbowhunter

    Fishing tour of Utah (this will be a long post)

    Looks awesome! A bit more jam packed than most of my fly fishing journeys [emoji23] beautiful fish!
  8. teenbowhunter

    2018 DIY Euro buck

    Could be worth soaking in dish soap water just to pull some oils out for odor but I like the natural look, looks great!
  9. teenbowhunter

    2019 Turkey Season

    Had 8 jakes/toms going nuts at 100 yds but they had their mind made up and gobbled in my direction as they walked right to left. They circled way around the other side of the woods to follow around some guy on his tractor and gobble at him. Fkn turkeys
  10. teenbowhunter

    Hung up Turkey, What’s your go to?

    Yeah that’s good to remember on the public land I’m hunting. Yesterday turned out to be the only day I could hunt this property for the single week we have permission on it so I was trying to throw everything I had at those toms. The bag of tricks wasn’t deep enough or maybe they just weren’t...
  11. teenbowhunter

    Hung up Turkey, What’s your go to?

    Some of them walk around in flocks of 15 toms in the afternoon. No idea what they’re doing. That field in the picture is closed to all hunting and is owned by the college but they cross the fence some in the mornings. Sadly my buddy who has permission there only had permission til Sunday and I’m...
  12. teenbowhunter

    Hung up Turkey, What’s your go to?

    Thanks everybody! I really like those ideas. Hadn’t thought of scratching. I don’t know how no decoys will work since it’s a wide open mowed field with thick brush that they don’t go into under all the trees so they can see everything. Will mess around with em and see if anything happens
  13. teenbowhunter

    Hung up Turkey, What’s your go to?

    Tried that this afternoon but only had one jake come by and my buddy missed. They all flocked up on the neighboring property
  14. teenbowhunter

    Hung up Turkey, What’s your go to?

    This morning on a new property (that I can only hunt for one week) I had two toms sit in an open field gobbling at my decoys at 101 yards in the same spot for 45 minutes straight. I tried everything I could think of with calling. My inclination is to bring some fishing line and a stake so I can...
  15. teenbowhunter

    First first first...

    Yeah I don’t know why but they’re super concentrated at this spot this year. Super fun to listen to!
  16. teenbowhunter

    First first first...

    Been hunting a tucked away flock of public land turkeys for three years now and finally killed one. Missed on opening day and fudged another opportunity the first week. This is my first archery bird, first public land bird, first spot and stalk bird and first limb hanger! Had an absolute blast...
  17. teenbowhunter

    GOT Who's watching?

    Hoping for an explanation of wtf Bran was doing with the ravens the whole time. And whether or not Arya was disguised as a white
  18. teenbowhunter

    Well this is a first.

    Interested to see what the growth looks like this summer. Could start at the bases and do some weird stuff
  19. teenbowhunter

    Nothing about Nothing

    Lmao... the latest and greatest in coyote bait
  20. teenbowhunter

    Team MacDaddy

    Headed down to Georgia Friday. Will be hunting some very overpopulated neighborhood deer with the bow and a few hundred acre property with a rifle. They allow ten does and two bucks so hopefully I can fill at least one tag [emoji23]