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  1. PA Bandit

    Mossy Oak Properties...

    As a fellow PA'er I am unfortunately seeing the same thing but its mostly in state people leasing property so others can't hunt. I have not run into many out of state people that were not at one point a resident as I find it hard to believe their is anything remotely great that would make PA...
  2. PA Bandit

    Mossy Oak Properties...

    Generally speaking I think that in some of that states people are fooling them self into thinking their chances are higher going one state over versus dedicating time in their home state where they have more time to dedicate. Regarding NY at least western NY and western PA large deer (140") plus...
  3. PA Bandit

    Would you shoot it?

    That buck would not be legal in any county in PA unless it was harvested by a youth. Was it said to be shot in PA?
  4. PA Bandit

    Sad to see this happen 2

    I find it intriguing that the guy(s) who shot it never even bothered to look for it. I have to say that's a new one to me never heard of a scenario like that. Such a terrible situation that will probably never see resolution or justice.
  5. PA Bandit

    My Buddy Cole's Buck

    Congrats to your friend. I hope he took his buddies out for a round of beers after finding it. Having a group of friends willing to dedicate 8 hours to helping find a deer means a lot.
  6. PA Bandit

    Live from the stand!

    I guess I would ask why would you opt not to chase them? Seasons in give them hell.........Fall birds are a little trickier you got to get them on very tight patterns and just wait them at either the dinner table or their bedroom
  7. PA Bandit

    To pee or not to pee

    I buy (as mentioned above) from a local deer farm near my parents. I have had marginal success with it in most cases using a drag/drip method. I have had a few bucks walk right down the scent drag but I would say out of all the years I have hunted this has only been a dozen times or so. Prior to...
  8. PA Bandit


    Just as a point of reference deer are fundamentally one of the easiest and most basic mounts to accomplish. This especially with todays products (i.e. Forms, Coatings, etc...) that are on the market. I have seen some really bad mounts but all in all because the simplicity of what actually goes...
  9. PA Bandit

    Grunting tips

    Its the internet I do not take offense to comments from people that I have no relation with. A partial reason that it may be tough to follow is that I originally posted what the OP was looking for in my opinions/experiences with grunting then was basically bluntly told that I don't know what...
  10. PA Bandit

    Grunting tips

    I knew it would somehow turn into that I was making some sort of personal judgment which I specifically stated it wasn't as I don't know you nor anything about your life/experiences. I just thought it was a very improper to compare one opinion vs. another and relate the fact that because you...
  11. PA Bandit


    Like anything else caping a deer is a learned trait. Similar to you the taxidermist you go to was a novice at some point in time, its by no means rocket science and actually is one of the easier tricks of the trade. Any good taxidermist will tell you that any mess up on a deer is fairly easily...
  12. PA Bandit

    Grunting tips

    Also as a point of reference I did not state that every time you go on stand to just sit there an blare away on your grunt call all evening. I was more suggesting that it is an alternative means that could potentially lure deer in during the right situation. If a buck is 300 yards away he has a...
  13. PA Bandit

    Grunting tips

    For one it was not intended to be an argument but instead an opinion which is what the original poster opted for. And "Big Buck Killer" is very dependent on having big buck to kill. I would have him go to amish country PA and have him kill a "Big Buck". The quality of the deer is subject to the...
  14. PA Bandit

    Grunting tips

    To each their own everyone has their own experiences which lead them to a well established viewpoint (or at least I hope before one tries to provide input). I was just providing my experience but nor can I negate your relation to the deer pinpointing you but again that's why I am very aware of...
  15. PA Bandit

    Grunting tips

    Be aggressive is all I can offer. Don't do short tone grunts but instead opt for "growling" (look it up on youtube) and connected sequences. My biggest suggestion is don't be afraid to use the thing I personally used to be afraid that I would scare the deer from their normal course of pattern...
  16. PA Bandit

    Which area of Ohio has the dumbest hunters?

    Your are in the complete wrong state. Go to Pennsylvania for a year during "rifle" season and you will witness what your speaking of. Picture what I would be apt to say is the nations most likely day to be killed in the woods and that would be the PA Opener of rifle season. Traditionally...
  17. PA Bandit

    Anybody want to take a guess at what happened?

    I was on a buddy hunt with a friend. We had a doe come in, he knocked an arrow, he shot her and she dropped right in her tracks. Walk up to her pull the arrow out of the chest cavity (it probably got 12" of penetration) and find out he had killed her with a bare shaft. Turns out his broadhead...
  18. PA Bandit

    Nocturnal: Over used word or fact?!?!?!

    Be this as my own opinion so those who think otherwise please do not take offense but I don't necessarily buy the whole "mature", "wise" deer and relate it to nocturnal movements. My personal relation to this is it is more an influence of AGE which just coincidentally typically correlates to...
  19. PA Bandit

    Couple shooters

    If those are ticks that deer is prob begging you to kill him
  20. PA Bandit

    Need you opinion

    Lol sorry didn't see that last post disregard anything I said