Based on when most everyone is showing up, there's a chance we do two quad trips. Maybe one on Friday late afternoon and one Saturday late morning. Some guys are arriving early Saturday and they are hoping to ride.
With that said, somehow we will fit everything in. Saturday afternoon looks like when we will do the 3d shoot and the trap shooting. By then the youths should be cleared out of there and we can haul our gear down that way in our trucks or on the quads... whichever you prefer. Plenty of parking at the trap range which is also the entrance to the 3d range.
Something that crossed my mind this morning... Those of you riding may wanna bring some baby wipes or something to wash your faces after. The first part of the trail is dusty until we hit the creek bottom. Then it's all mud! That dust caked on the face makes for some great raccoon-like pics. Also, in case we do two rides, you may wanna throw in a little extra gas in your truck bed. It's about a 20 mile ride, but never know where we may sidetrack to.
Just some things to think about.
Those who wanna shoot at the rifle range, it's fair game anytime. I'll show ya where it is and have at it.