lung buster
Senior Member
Put a blind out for Addy this evening....even stumbled over a few morels...
This is an awsome picture!It was a nice day for a putt with my grandson yesterday.
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This is worthless without picturesThe local outdoor/gun store is closed. They’re still doing online sales and have some killer deals, one of which pertains to a particular handgun I’ve had my eye on. Too good to pass up this time around so I placed my order. Upon making the online purchase you select a date and time for pickup and go in, do the paperwork, and off you go. Beats the hell out of waiting in an indeterminate line of browsers and gawkers and hoping they have your particular model in stock.
This is worthless without pictures![]()
You’d know if I didn’t like you, no thinking involvedI really think he doesn’t like us anymore. First he pulled a Larson on us at my house for Christmas. Now this?! No pic or link...I’m gonna have to rethink our relationship status.
If your buying, I’ll gladly carry it.This one has you're name all over it, @giles
Ahhh that makes sense. Good stuff.On the guns themselves, not so much. Just the combo deals that include ammo, lock box, range kit, speed loader, etc. If’n you were in the market for the gun in the first place (which I was), the extras thrown in for good measure and the lack of hassle for going in and waiting in line and dealing with dipshits makes it a good deal. I can’t necessarily put a monetary value on that lol
3.5hrs of sleep. Up keeping track of the snow storm. You know. . .the storm that didn't do much but kill a day of mowing. So we jockeyed 3 push boxes and one backhoe back to the storage area. Still enough sitting around in case we get more snow. Or to move on another rain day. Worked on the enclosed car trailer. Still customizing. I need a day to do something fun. Like getting a haircut. Redbull has nothing on me. My own wings be flapping in da wind.