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As my wife says...Gun Porn!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My watchdog Brutus 44 Mag0001.jpg

Model 29 with an 8 3/8" barrel in 44magnum if you are looking the S&W route Dan. It would look good on you. Just saying.

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
Always good too a add a new weapon too the arsenal.... Oh and by the way that post was worthless w/out pictures..... Just sayin.....


Cleaned up extremely well. I love the way this gun feels in my hands. I'm going to wait until the end of the summer to recoup the gun fund before putting glass on it.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
It looks real Purdy Huck!
Looking forward to seeing how it papers.

o ya. buy a decient sling for it. they get heavy after the first day afield...
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For those of you who might have been wondering why I was selling stuff Ill show you why...

I didn't like the fact that my Model 13-1 was at risk of so much wear and weather. So I bought one of S&W's reintroduced K frame .357 Model 66-8 revolvers. If you are going get a revolver I highly recommend a S&W K frame or Colt D frame. They are two of the best pointing wheel guns around.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
To quote Cousin Randy: "That's real nice Clark. Real nice."

S&W revolvers are tough to beat in my opinion. Although I would agree on Colt being another fine choice. Looks great Tom!


Senior Member
Very nice.

As you all may know from my other post I recently picked up a S&W M&P 40 full size and absolutely love the gun. It is not a CCW though. I ran across a really good deal on a S&W M&P Shield in 40 caliber TOO so I just had to have it. Can't wait to get to the range this weekend and send a few down range.
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My full size
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My Shield.
And I can't leave out the other member of my M&P family.
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Finally at the age of 24 own a .22 rifle. Which is a pretty backwards way of buying firearms. I had access to a number of .22s growing up but none of them were my own. I purchased a savage mark 2 fvsr with the rebate and military discount i really couldnt turn down the price. It is an inexpensive tack driver. Squirrel porcupines and snowshoe hares dont stand a chance.
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