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Baseball Journal


Senior Member
Supporting Member
South East Ohio
I took my boy and his buddy to watch the Clippers last nite play the Charlotte Knights, it was Dime a Dog night. We had a great time, saw 3 homers with the catcher from the Knights launching one that cleared the right field wall. A hell of alot cheaper then a Reds or Indians game for sure.

lung buster

Senior Member
hocking county
I'm so proud of our girls! They won the championship last night 12-11. They beat two all boy teams to get there and they worked so hard all year and deserved it!!
Congrats to our team the DIAMOND DIVAS!



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I'm so proud of our girls! They won the championship last night 12-11. They beat two all boy teams to get there and they worked so hard all year and deserved it!!
Congrats to our team the DIAMOND DIVAS!

Kingston? Are you a coach?


Senior Member
Nice job Divas!

Our girls dropped another last night to the older girls 11-6. At least we're closing the run differential. We're now 2-4.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Congratulations to the young ladies!

Our boys looked great last night - best they have played all year! The two previous games had me asking WTH, but last night was amazing. My lil gold-glove 3rd baseman, and shortstops both played to their ability. First time we've seen it in a game all year! They even rolled a double play. 3rd baseman picked it up, threw it on a dead run to our shortstop at 2nd (our second baseman didn't cover) and onto Mason at first. It was awesome! I was notified today that Mason, the shortstop, and 3rd baseman have been selected for the All-Star team. Unfortunately, next week we have our final three games and my ss will be on vacation... That stinks, but we'll make due with two players in the middle of the infield that do not understand their roles. I may move my 3rd baseman over to ss, he's so freaking fast he can cover most everything from there. :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Last regular season game for Klay tonight. They sit at 11-1 and clinch the regular season title with a win.

He's excited for other reasons though... on Saturday he gets to play up on Kody's team because Kody's team is short. I was helping at Kody's practice last night and I overheard the coaches talking about the lineup. they want to bat Klay 6th over 3 of their regulars. I'm happy for Klay, but I can't wait to hear the mommies of the other players bitching. Lol

They also talked about playing him at SS when their starting SS has to pitch. He will be fired up if that happens, but I didn't tell him I heard all that.

I only help when I can. It's tough for me because of my high school season to put in a full commitment and eventhough my season is over now I hate coming in during the middle of the season. So I just kind of help out when asked or hang out in the outfield with my wife and just enjoy the games. Yesterday we were putting in pickoffs and a first and thrid cut play that could pay off in the tournaments. It's a tough order explaining those things to Kody's 11-12 year olds. I don't think runners should be able to steal on the leg kick at that level, but it is what it is and I got sick of seeing it undefended.


Staff member
I normally route for the Pirates because they suck and are of no threat to the Red Legs. But this year, they can eat dust! Sorry Mike. Love you dude, but not enough to avoid rooting for Baltimore tonight!!! lmao