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Boarhead's Coyote Snaring 2014/15 season


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Caught a pretty female red fox today and released her.
Man when you let em go they can cover some ground in a hurry.lol
Didnt see many tracks in the snow today,more deer tracks than yotes but sure they will make their rounds soon.


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Dignitary Member
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NW Ohio Tundra
Very neat picture!...I saw a pair of fox on Sunday afternoon. The first pair Ive seen all year. We used to kill a lot of them, now the coyotes have them almost all killed off.


spencerville oh
Gotta agree Jesse i like seeing the fox much better than yotes.
Gern it seems like i am finally starting to see more red fox showing up so maybe killing all those yotes is helping a little.

Less coyotes = more reds I truly hope the greys make a comeback. I loved calling greys back when we had then.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thx guys.
I had one get out this morning he stripped the split ring but i was getting low on them and only used one which i normally use 2 rings so more pissed at myself than the yote.lol
But the good news is i caught his ass about 300 yds away in another set,he had 2 snares on him.He was a big male and was pretty pissed off, i can imagine what went through his mind : awww hell wtf just happened.lol
I reset the one he got out and doubled the split ring and was able to reset where i caught him i just moved it back off the circle he made.
It was snowing hard so couldnt see many tracks today but will keep after them.
You can see the reset in one pic and the stripped ring and both snares around him in the other pics.


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I'd say that yote had a bad night.

I think the grey fox is the most beautiful animal in the Ohio woods. I saw a pair of them 3 or 4 times just before dark while sitting in my outhouse stand during October. I lip squeaked the one into about 15 yards the first evening I saw them. He or she didn't know what to think, but they never knew I was there. After that evening I never called to them again. Twice I caught one of them with a chipmunk in its jaws, pretty cool to see.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Caught another female today which is good.My buddy Kevin went along and we always kid around cause seems like whenever he rides along we get skunked but not today.lol
Saw several tracks today so hope to take some more out.
Also put a 330 in at the farm where a small drainage dumps into the big creek so hope to get another beaver before season ends in a week.


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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Thx Derek it is alot of fun catching them.
Chuck sometimes those big males just dont let up and fight the snare.When i got about 70 yds from him he just went nuts and was giving it all he had trying to get out. they do have alot of power i made sure to double the rings on my reset today.


spencerville oh
Jake i wish we did have more grey fox around. This is the last picture i have of one back in 2010. Cool looking animals.

Yea Brian I only two spots that have them today in thousands of acres. And I hope they don't get shot out And can produce some pups. They were a ball to call in my heyday. Congrats on roping another one keep at it.