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Covid vaccinations


Well-Known Member
So it's still out there, it's just running undetected and far less impactful. And we're only protected for as long as the vaccination and natural immunity provides protection. As the durability wears off over time we'll slowly see increases in cases. That's why they're talking about booster shots etc. When that start to show has yet to be seen and can't be predicted.
I had a recent converation/debate kind of on this topic. It focussed on whether periodic exposure to COVID for those with natural immunity or a vaccination would enhance or prolong protection. Maybe big crowds and normal interaction will be a good thing???
I have 2 cousins, brothers who don't even speak to each other, who each independent of the other, got COVID, were placed upon Ventilators and recovered with the help of physical therapy. My wife has a cousin who also went through the same experience, but with the added life flight to Pittsburgh Pa. for treatment. All are doing better.

Now while the numbers are coming down, we are still in the early stages of this long term event. Every COVID survivor faces unknown future potential issues. But then that is true of SARS survivors, RSV survivors and even Lyme survivors. Remember that Chicken Pox and Chicken Pox shot survivors often face Shingles later on for example. Anyone want to talk about what percent of Shingle victims never had Chicken Pox because of the vaccine, yet got the Shingles? We don't know, thus we try and make informed choices. There are now many voices expressing the benefits and the possible future side effects of the COVID experimental gene therapy shots. On both sides of the issue, really all sides, there is genuine concern as well as agenda driven concerns with this shot. Benefits/Risks! Let each person be convinced in their own mind. Reasonable people can disagree since we are trying to describe a million piece jigsaw puzzle image from only a thousand pieces! Unfortunately we have actors throwing in additional piles of jig saw pieces from other puzzles with their own agenda's...

In our own extended family and friends network, (albeit small because i am such a jerk to deal with), we have people on all sides of this problem. Am I going to "choose this hill to die on?" No! I love and care for them and I think to some extent they for me. We all face choices in life and have to deal with the consequences, and hopefully guilt free not guilt ridden. If a person didn't take the shot, they can continue to not take the shot because it is an emergency use authorization and not a law! Yet COVID is still out there and so they must choose to walk accordingly. I for one will continue to practice better hygiene with the sanitizer as I haven't even had a cold since all this started. If a person took the shot(s) then to me prudence dictates that I watch the side effects as well as the future therapies for treating them. It is becoming common knowledge that some have experienced mild to severe side effects in the short term. But what of the long term? Though the number of side effects have been small in comparison with the total shots given, the actual numbers of side effects are on the higher end for "vaccines" (This shot does not meet the criteria of an FDA approved vaccine.) But what nobody knows is what the long term effects will be.

Substantially contributing to the confusion is the "cooking of the numbers" by all sides to spin their own narrative. Even with the "cooked numbers" we see a very survivable sickness for most, particularly among the younger folks. But for some it has been a devastating nightmare.

As I have written previously, my wife is a 3 time breast cancer survivor. (No she doesn't have 3 breasts...) Each time it was a new cancer caught early. 2 lumpectomies then a breast removal. Her doctors told her she had a 94% chance of not getting it after her second lumpectomy and followup radiation. yet she got it a third time and had that two time breast removed. She wanted both removed but the doctor said if you got a bad kidney we don't take both because there are side effects... Anyways, after the 2nd lumpectomy (once on each side) the cancer doctor wanted her to take a chemo pill that would reduce her chances of that 3rd cancer diagnosis by 50%. Sounds good, but the side effects of that pill are blood clots (she already had that issue) as well as uterine cancer. So the reality is 94% plus 50% of the remaining 6% chance is a net gain of 3% yet the blood clots and uterine cancer side effects were in the 3-5% range according to the cancer doctor. I had to do the math because he wasn't, he was recommending the pill. (Agenda? I don't know) So she didn't take it and still got struck by lightning. Thus mastectomy, but still here and no clots and no uterine cancer.

So you see here with real life situations and real life choices and real life outcomes it is up to each person to make peace with their own decisions. It isn't an easy or sure decision and the danger lies in the agenda's being forced upon us in any direction against our decision and will. Those choices seem to be where the Democratic party is running, yet the Republican's do the same damn thing! Poly=many Tics =blood sucking parasites. Stop letting them split us up and steal our stuff and freedom. The definition of Fascism is the marriage of corporations and governments to suppress individual's rights!
Fight against THAT even for those whose rights are at times at odds with yours. I will never be able to sell you on my beliefs nor you sell me on yours. But what ever happened to logical conversation and debate as well as even the consideration of other points of view? They left when men placed their feelings based opinions over logical and critical thinking right along with science changing their research to being agenda and paid for outcomes by their benefactors. It is a question of morality folks.
I had a recent converation/debate kind of on this topic. It focussed on whether periodic exposure to COVID for those with natural immunity or a vaccination would enhance or prolong protection. Maybe big crowds and normal interaction will be a good thing???
SARS=97% COVID (if memory served me) and antibodies still there to fight 17 years later. Many asymptomatic and mild cases could well have had prior immunity thanks to SARS exposure in their medical history! It could appear to many that the hurry up push to experimental gene therapy COVID shot was because they knew this had run its course and they would lose the opportunity to get folks to take the shot(s). In fact I believe there was a female government official that made that very statement!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Uh. Maybe breakthrough infections are considered "rare" because asymptomatic people don't seek testing. In the instances where vaccinated people are subject to periodic mandatory testing it's not "rare" at all.

From the article above.

"People who have tested positive for Covid-19 after being fully vaccinated, or breakthrough infections, are rare, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Of the more than 130 million people in the United States who have been fully vaccinated against Covid-19, there have been reports of at least 10,262 breakthrough infections, the CDC said last month. Many who tested positive after being fully vaccinated were asymptomatic.
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Dignitary Member
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So my brother had covid early on. Got vaccinated when he could. Had a spell this morning with his vision, heart rate and loss of feeling in his arm and face. Tested positive again. They are thinking his episode is covid related.

Sorry to hear this bud. There is just so much unknown or kept secret about this virus and vaccine.
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Sure hate to hear that Dave. Hope he gets better fast.

Sorry to hear this bud. There is just so much unknown or kept secret about this virus and vaccine.

It is no wonder so many are getting the vaccine, not getting it, regret getting it, etc....... Just so many unknowns. So sick of hearing the non-stop commercials of so-called vaccine receivers getting it because of the science. Heck if you got it you are the science, as am I.
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Sure hate to hear that Dave. Hope he gets better fast.

It is no wonder so many are getting the vaccine, not getting it, regret getting it, etc....... Just so many unknowns. So sick of hearing the non-stop commercials of so-called vaccine receivers getting it because of the science. Heck if you got it you are the science, as am I.

"Science" Prior to being approved for mass vaccination it was experimental science at best. It was the lowest of low category and a career ender for most research scientists. In the early 90s it was theoretical science and always struggled to be taken serious, even up to the last few years when big pharma started messing around with Mrna it was viewed as being shitty science. It was too dangerous and not reliable. Yet suddenly the "Science" is infallible and this stuff is a miracle. :rolleyes: Here is a good snippet from the article I'll link regarding the story of mRNA LINK

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