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Covid vaccinations

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
I've heard just as many stories of vaccine injuries as covid deaths. Not disagreeing with anyone. But there's no wonder there is such an argument between getting the shot or not. Personally I don't feel the need to get an experimental vaccine right now. Go ahead and shun me. I don't give a fuck. I believe in natural immunity. I had covid 13 months ago. I was one of the lucky ones that wasn't hit as hard by it. Half my family has had the shot. Guess what. They can still get covid and pass it along to the next person. As a result of the other half of the family not getting the shot, we aren't getting together for Christmas this year. Fucking stupid. And its the vaccinated family members that are the ones that are making the decision not to get together. What the actual fuck. Im astounded at the number of Fucking people out there who swear the vaccine is the answer for the problem, but deep down don't trust the Fucking thing enough to be around other people who have natural immunity or are not jabbed. Its Fucking ridiculous!

You heard 700,000 stories - dang

Clay Showalter

Southern member northern landowner
Guilford County
This is exactly why everything on this forum pertaining to COVID shouldn’t exist, IMO! Everyone has different ways of rationalizing what this virus does to different people and all it does is tear people apart. FUCK COVID-19
We can discuss it like adults and disagree like adults, but you don’t have to be a jerk to people who disagree with you.


Staff member
This is exactly why everything on this forum pertaining to COVID shouldn’t exist, IMO! Everyone has different ways of rationalizing what this virus does to different people and all it does is tear people apart. FUCK COVID-19
So you'd like for us to censor the same free speech that makes this place so great?

No one is being forced to read or participate in this thread. If you do, better have your big boy panties on because it's a naturally controversial issue and for some, this thread serves as a relief valve and info source. We appreciate your opinion, but I want to make it clear that we're not about to start sensoring content over hurt feelings unless there's been a violation of common decency and respect. Just like it's your choice to take the vaccine or not, it's your choice to click on COVID-related threads and to be offended if you do. Choose wisely my friends.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Screw your personal ability to make educated decisions. If you're age 18-49 you have a 33% increased chance of dying from covid over the seasonal flu! You have a .2% chance of dying from the seasonal flu and a .3% chance of dying from covid! That's a .1% increased mortality rate! Go get your damn shot every six months! Plus every variant booster they create thereafter! It wont prevent you from catching or transmitting covid to anyone else but get a damn clue!

While I love being facetious I would feel remiss if I didn't point out that after 50 your risk goes up considerably to 1.3%, and over 65 its north of 6%. Health conditions, even manageable ones, drastically increase those risks also. So if you are over the age of 50 or have chronic health conditions its absolutely something to consider and likely a smart decision.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
This is exactly why everything on this forum pertaining to COVID shouldn’t exist, IMO! Everyone has different ways of rationalizing what this virus does to different people and all it does is tear people apart. FUCK COVID-19

An exchange of information and opinions between free people is exactly why covid discussions should exist and not be censored or narrated. If a person is willing to let their opinion tear apart a friendship then I would argue they aren't someone you want to be friends with anyway. You can smoke for 30 years, eat cheeseburgers every day, and drink whiskey every night. I'll never judge you for it and I'll show up at your funeral and say how fucking awesome a dude you were.
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Are you talking actual stories or stories related to vaccine injuries?🙄 Tell me once again how many of those 700000 deaths are due directly to covid?
Talking about the stories you heard - IDK - understand your family issue - hope it doesn't spoil your Christmas
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Are you talking actual stories or stories related to vaccine injuries?🙄 Tell me once again how many of those 700000 deaths are due directly to covid?

3 of that 700k was my grandmother, her sister, and brother in law. Never mind that they were in their early 90s in assisted care facilities taking a first full of pills everyday for various terminal health conditions. Fucking covid.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
3 of that 700k was my grandmother, her sister, and brother in law. Never mind that they were in their early 90s in assisted care facilities taking a first full of pills everyday for various terminal health conditions. Fucking covid.
Now 800000+ covid deaths in USA more then any other country - wonder how many are because underlying health conditions and old age
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Dignitary Member
Staff member
Now 800000+ covid deaths in USA more then any other country - wonder how many are because underlying health conditions and old age

Considering we lead the world in the treatment of chronic disease, and we lead the world in obesity and obesity related health issues, it's no surprise that we lead the world per capita in covid deaths. The old, sick, and unhealthy in most other countries were already dead. I said early on that for the past 30 years or so we as a nation have enjoyed great advancements in the treatment of chronic diseases. Very common health conditions that would have killed people 30 years ago are now very manageable. Unfortunately a virus like covid doesn't give a shit about someones daily medication that managed their chronic health issues.
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Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
Considering we lead the world in the treatment of chronic disease, and we lead the world in obesity and obesity related health issues, it's no surprise that we lead the world per capita in covid deaths. The old, sick, and unhealthy in most other countries were already dead. I said early on that for the past 30 years or so we as a nation have enjoyed great advancements in the treatment of chronic diseases. Very common health conditions that would have killed people 30 years ago are now very manageable. Unfortunately a virus like covid doesn't give a shit about someone daily medication that managed their chronic health issues.
More than 81% of COVID-19 deaths occur in people over age 65. The number of deaths among people over age 65 is 80 times higher than the number of deaths among people aged 18-29. The risk of severe COVID-19 increases as the number of underlying medical conditions increases in a person.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
More than 81% of COVID-19 deaths occur in people over age 65. The number of deaths among people over age 65 is 80 times higher than the number of deaths among people aged 18-29. The risk of severe COVID-19 increases as the number of underlying medical conditions increases in a person.

Yes sir. And many of those those over the age of 65 are living with chronic but manageable health conditions. Conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol would have put someone in the grave before age 65 just 20-30 years ago. Today they take a pill or two a day and live well in to old age.

The highest comorbidity risk factor for covid beyond age is obesity. 66% of the US is overweight or obese compared to just 37% of the rest of the world. It's not just the obesity that plays a factor but the health issues that accompany it such as diabetes, cholesterol, heart strain, etc. As a country we have a very high percentage of the population that is not naturally healthy, but thanks to availability of medical care and treatments here they've been able to live longer lives with manageable conditions.


Dignitary Member
Staff member

And then we have information like this out of Oxford university on Saturday. In a mere 28 days post second dose vaccination the vaccinated individual showed a "substantial fall in neutralisation" with some "failing to neutralise at all". Meaning this isn't a vaccination durability issue where immunity wanes over a longer period of time, but rather it offers very little short term protection from omnicron if any at all.

But you better go get your damn boosters.....





Supporting Member
Ross County
I typed this up the other day, but was hesitate afterwards in sharing it because it is rather personal, but since this thread popped up again, I just thought to myself, "what the hell, go for it!".

Please understand that the following is of my own personal thoughts, opinions and experiences so, please DO NOT take anything said as any sort of expert authority or direction on this specific topic matter, thank you!

I know that I have recently said in the other main CV thread that I was done with this topic, which I truly am, but I just wanted to share my most latest observation with you all, which was from last night while sitting at a packed bar with my wife, who does have underlying health conditions, and both of us completely enjoyed being among fellow patrons watching Sunday Night football, striking up casual conversations with strangers, and drinking among many friendlies.

The only person that was wearing anything that possibly resembled a face mask was an old man wearing a pirate eye patch and that was it. Apparently, he must be blind in that eye. Everyone else at the bar was shoulder to shoulder having what seemed to be a real good time, including my wife and I.

Now, to me, I took it all in as a real sense of normalcy once again in my life, being a part of that kind of atmosphere while in a real public setting. It rejuvenated my soul completely and I feel great today because of it!

I WOULD NOT trade last night for any other over the last two years since the government imposed/mandated restrictions onto us supposed free Americans.

Health choices are very personal, which is American thing too, at least, that’s the way it was before 2020 as I recall.

If I were to get sick from this CV thing today, let it be known that I have already prepared myself by acquiring all the necessary items needed that will help assist me in hopefully getting through it without too much difficultly, but if it was to turn out to be for the worst, then so be it. I made that choice a long time ago, at least a year ago.

I DO NOT judge others in my life in what they feel they must do to live freely, and I now only offer my opinions/advice to them if they were to ask first, but here I am sharing with you all once again.

Please understand that I truly care, and I DO NOT believe that anyone needs to listen to what I am saying or sharing. It’s more of a take or leave it thing, and that’s the way it should be taken, I hope.

I love all my family, friends, and pretty much all good people in general. I have gone out of my way throughout my life helping others far more than ever receiving, which makes me feel worthy in my life.

I’ve been very blessed several times over, and I simply refuse to comply in what I am fully aware is being forced, or implied/manipulated by the woke crowd of today’s society, media personalities, and elected government officials, and/or just those that cannot seem to grasp the idea of the American spirit and/or the true tenacity of working through life’s most difficult curveballs.

Let this be understood, I am NOT a documented health educated expert however, I have studied and researched for countless hours regarding this whole CV topic, and it is of my belief today that I am fully informed and truly able to make the choice of how I wish to live out the rest of my days within this world, which I am completely doing without hesitation or regret.

I am a reasonable and responsible person, and I fully accept what actions or inactions that I take within my life. I WILL NOT blame others if I were to become ill with CV, and I will do what I feel is most appropriate TO NOT transmit any illness of mine onto others.

My wife’s sister is currently infected with CV, and got it from her husband, which he is the brewery owner of the place I frequent often in town. He got through the illness just fine. Both are unvaccinated. He’s in his late 30’s and his wife is in her early 40’s and they have a young daughter that HAS NOT contracted the illness as of yet anyways. They test regularly, daily.

My wife and I over the past two weeks have brought them food, medicine and offered up any advice when asked, which they do ask and have accepted. My wife’s sister is feeling much better currently today but, has yet to be totally CV free according to the self-test that she purchased from a local pharmacy.

I can go on sharing more on this topic going all the way back to slightly before the pandemic was officially declared, however I won’t. I have considered a couple of times of documenting all of that I know and have experienced since late 2019, and I still just might do that, as for my own reference at least, and potentially for others as well if interested. I am still weighing out the idea.

Again, I have studied and researched this whole CV and all the political situations from all different angles, and that is why I have moved way beyond today’s media’s coverage and government narratives regarding it all. I DO NOT believe in any of them for a minute and WILL NOT follow any of their recommendations and/or suggestions, however I still listen occasionally and will take whatever information they offer up under some sort of tiny advisement, just like before, during the prepandemic days.

I do apologize for what I just shared of being kind of lengthy. I can honestly say from my heart that it does sadden me to see and hear of all those that have been negatively impacted by the whole situation. I consider most members here to be real good people and always trying to do the right thing, which I fully appreciate. This community is one that I do fully appreciate on several different levels, and I can only hope that my sharing can too be appreciated by some.

Thanks for allowing me to spew out my latest life experience with you all and please don’t feel that you must respond to me, I just simply cared to share, that’s all, not implying anything by it whatsoever other than my own personable health and life choices.

I really do not like discussing these things in an open forum really and I truly do believe that China and several other evil political characters/entities are complete and fully responsible for the CV outbreak, which I hope that each will brought to justice at some point before I depart from this beloved world of ours.

Thanks for reading and do take good care, sincerely!
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