Note TOO self,...
....... If he starts walking away, cut at him.......
I'll have to remember that little nugget.:smiley_chinrub:
congrats on an awsome bird man.
I thought so too, but since I have one already in the basement sitting under a plexiglass box for the last 15 plus years it made it hard for me to spend the xtra money and it end up in the basement too LOL. The one that is in the basement is still a real nice bird, it had a 10 1/2" beard and both spurs were 1 1/2" each. They collect dust really bad and that is why he is under a plexiglass box, this limits the dust he gets very well. If we had the room for a nice game room I prolly would have had him done. Im really saving my money so when I get a Booner Buck I'll have the cash LOL....Congrats! sweet would look good mounted..