Hunted this morning. Bumped 4 does less than 30yds behind the barn on this property. I was frustrated, but what can you do? When they bed essentially in the yard under some pine trees it is tough not to bump them. Walked a hundred yards and bumped a basket 8pt. Yep. I was close enough to tell what he was with my light on my hat. Got within 10' of him. Really frustrated at this point. Still a half mile walk to the stand from the truck, so bumping in the first 100yds isn't terrible I guess. I didn't bump anymore the rest of the way in. I climbed my stand and got settled in. Never saw the first deer but could hear critters moving around in the dark. At 730am I saw a doe walking along the edge of the corn alone. I thought this was weird so I verified she did not have buttons. Nope. She milled around browsing a bit. Not a care in the world. She walked towards me and the closer she got the more I felt like loosing an arrow. When she was broadside she stopped at less than 10yds. I wanted to know if I could draw this closely without getting busted, so I did. She sat there sniffing where I walked in. 5-10more yards and she would have been downwind. She was curious and not at all spooked. She was quite relaxed actually. At full draw I knew I couldn't hold back. She was a body length or so from me losing the shot opportunity so I let an arrow fly.
I truly thought I hit her forward because I could still see the fletchings sticking out. I couldn't believe it. This is the first non-pass-thru shot I have had on a deer. Still not sure why to be honest but it did poke holes in both sides. She went on a bulldozer run into the corn 50yds. At this point she made a 90 degree left turn and went another 50yds to the other edge of the field. I didn't hear corn stalks anymore so I thought she had expired here. Later I found she made it out of the corn and walked another 50yds along a mowed tractor path. Unbelievable! Approximately 150yds with the bottom of her heart knocked off and at least one lung deflated! Here are some pictures of the carnage. First picture is the one where I put a drain plug in her. Next one is how I found her. Last two are entry (drivers side mid chest) and exit hole (under armpit).